Fox’s Andrea Tantaros Is Feeling Sassy – IOTW Report

Fox’s Andrea Tantaros Is Feeling Sassy

She posts a bikini pic on social media.


17 Comments on Fox’s Andrea Tantaros Is Feeling Sassy

  1. Pretty enough … I guess … for a girl …

    But can she pull your arms behind your back and shove your face into a pillow and pound your ass so hard you bleed?

    Huh? Well, can she?

    Girls! Pffffftttt …

  2. I believe she’s about 33-34, right?

    That’s peak female beauty time in my book, right up to age 50.

    If you stay fit, and stay upbeat, it can keep going until death.

    Don’t ever do surgery, ladies. There’s ultimate beauty in being who you are.

  3. She’s always got the shortest skirt & hottest shoes on Fox’s “Outnumbered.”

    She could go a long way reversing the old joke –

    A Greek and Italian were sitting down one day debating who had the superior culture.

    The Greek says, “We have the Parthenon”
    The Italian says, “We have the Colosseum”
    The Greek says “We had great Mathematicians”
    The Italian says “We had the Roman Empire” and so on and so on and
    Then Greek Says: “We invented sex”
    The Italian says: “That is true, but it was the Italians who introduced it to women.”

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