What a dumbbell.
So, what happened?
What the right always said would happen, employees walked out when unskilled labor were making as much as they were.
Customers left because they felt it was only a matter of time before the stupid-ass decision bit them in the ass with higher costs.
In short, the unnatural social engineering of this dirtbag’s company caused it to crumble, and not become a progressive model of envy of rival companies.
With punchable face….
Yea I saw that coming. I imagine a few other biz people did too. Biz is a cut throat thing. Nice job loser.
You pay people what they are WORTH, not what they need. If you work for decades to achieve a respectable salary and then someone that has nowhere near your level of skill is just handed the same salary, THAT is unfair. Why are socialists so UNFAIR to the skilled, valuable, worker? Because they’re brain-dead, knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing socialists.
Running your business into the ground is so easy even a cave man can do it.
Now he can become a government pet and get free food, housing, utilities and health care.
Arsehole !
Bill Engvall: I just hate stupid people.
They should have to wear signs that just say I’m stupid.
That way you wouldn’t rely on them, would you?
You wouldn’t ask them anything. It would be like, “Excuse me…oops, never mind, “I didn’t see your sign.”
Welcome to reality you moron.
His statement indicates he still hasn’t learned anything from his little communist experiment.
Social justice warriors should not own a business.
Exactly. Aren’t they against capitalism in the first place? Great way to prove how wealth distribution works!q
Here’s your sign.
It doesn’t mention in the article that his own brother who started the company is suing him for numerous contract breaches.
Which makes me wonder. Is this some way to get out of those obligations? By making the business fail?
The current poster boy for all those cities that are allowing judges to mandate a $15 per hour minimum wage regardless of skill level or work ethic.
Some guy crunching numbers all day and having to come up with all kinds of complex problem solving paradigms etc. makes a 100K, taxed down to about 56K take home. Guy emptying out his garbage can, listening to books on tape all day, makes 70k, taxed down to about 49K. Guy making a 100k is still paying off student debt, is likely white and lives in a better neighborhood. Guy emptying out garbage cans probably has an illegitimate child or seven, paid for by us.
Better life?
—Guy listening to Old Man and the Sea on his I-pod while pushing broom and it’s not even close.
–He has far more discretionary cash.
It is doubtful that he ever will Ms Cowgirl.
You just can’t fix stupid!
The sad part is that a lot of good people, through no fault of their own, are out of a job because of his stupidity!
After a short time, most of them DON’T.
Good catch. One nasty, vindictive brother. Beard boy, that it.
We are all missing the only obvious solution. The customers should be forced to stay with him and the employees should all have their jobs assigned and never be able quit. Cuz Communism always works. Or else.
It’s obvious – – $70,000 wasn’t enough.
Progressivism. The liberal theory that fails in practice every time. Guaranteed.
Huma Mahmood Abedin and Hillary were on the books as telecommuters, and everything was going great until they demanded an $850,000 a year raise. Apparently the housekeeping ladies were going to join and make it a class action suit.
The question I have is how did this guy become a CEO with such abject fundamental knowledge of business. Must have been high on Obama or Sanders at the time.