Professor Who Teaches About Negative Impact of Racial Profiling Gets Arrested For Falsifying Racial Profiling Incident. – IOTW Report

Professor Who Teaches About Negative Impact of Racial Profiling Gets Arrested For Falsifying Racial Profiling Incident.

I am a Professor in English at Capital Community College, I teach about diversity and the negative impact of racial profiling, I have now become a target of the same insidious behavior! – Minati Roychoudhuri


Minati Roychoudhuri (Supposedly 32 years of age. I think she is falsifying more than this traffic stop.)

Fox posted a letter the woman sent to the Commissioner of Public Safety-


The policeman asked me if I could speak English and if I knew why he had stopped me. I said, “yes” to speaking English and “no” to why he had stopped me. He then asked me for my driver’s license and registration. He returned with an envelope and said that I could simply mail in the infraction.

The officer did not give me any reason as to why had stopped me. His asking if I could speak English shows that he had racially profiled me and was not able to give me a concrete reason for stopping me. Further, the officer had checked “Hispanic” in the race category in the infraction ticket.

Unfortunately for this lying sack of excrement the police officer had the entire incident recorded.


Officer: Hi ma’am, do you know why I’m stopping you today?
Roychoudhuri: No
O: OK. There’s that big gore area with white lines painted across it and you cut in front of it, in front of me, thinking it’s a lane or something. You have to wait until it’s a dotted white line. License and registration.
(She handed him insurance, so he requested the registration again, which she gave him)
O: Thank you. This is for your Subaru car.
R: This is my Subaru car.
O: Is this a station wagon, color green? The plate doesn’t match what’s on there.
R: [Inaudible]…I thought that was my [inaudible]
O: I’ll run the plate and see what it comes back with.
R: This is the [inaudible] that I have.
(Officer returns to his car for three minutes to write out the ticket for failure to drive in the established lane)
O: Ma’am. So I wrote you the infraction for that improper lane change that you did.
R: Please, you know, I probably crossed over there, and that’s why I did it.
O: OK.
R: Obviously I did that.
O: [Inaudible]
R: My [inaudible] is absolutely clean.
O: Ok. So I wrote you an infraction for that improper lane change that you did.
R: OK.
O: The answer date is on the front of it and the instructions are on the back of it.
R: Wait, what?
O: It’s a mail in infraction. All you have to do is mail in, either a check or money order, and mail it in.
R: OK.
O: Alright.
R: Thank you.

Civil servants gave her a chance to tell her story again under penalty of “misleading a public servant with a false story.” She didn’t know about the police recording and reiterated her lies. She was then placed under arrest.

She should be removed from her professorial position.



44 Comments on Professor Who Teaches About Negative Impact of Racial Profiling Gets Arrested For Falsifying Racial Profiling Incident.

  1. When lies like this ar told, don’t regressives try to give them awards for being brave enough to bring such an important subject to the light for awareness purposes?

    Hope she spends some time in bars and a hefty fine on top of it!

  2. Yeah right, all those damn minority foreigner’s sure do add something special to the American Culture! They beg, lie, run, cheat, crawl, and maneuver to get here and then they willingly
    and vocally claim discrimination, bigotry and racism at every juncture and loudly bellow how terrible and unfair America is!
    That turkey even made a very good living from it!

  3. What should be heard in the Presidents office on Monday:

    Your credibility is hereby renounced.
    You are a stain on this institution and society in general.
    From here on out anything coming out of your mouth shall be considered a turd.

  4. Why is an English professor teaching diversity and racial profiling?

    I understand maybe some subjects studied during the course of English may reference current issues, but they don’t teach the issue.

  5. And Irish, you’re a damn good looking 18, if I do say so myself.

    Personally, I now self-identify as a 35 year old and anyone who disagrees with me is an ageist. My surgery is scheduled soon and I’m going to get the turkey neck removed, have hair plugs added, remove the eye bags, and color my hair black.

    And damn my birth certificate.

  6. Dang I just discovered I am a minority. A completely sane, conservative, non-feminazi, non-victim white woman.
    I demand reparations from everyone and my own TV series.

  7. Dear “Professor in English” –

    Maybe you should study proper use of prepositions. Maybe you should learn about run-on sentences and how to avoid them. Maybe you should learn how NOT to create a comma splice. For a professor “in English,” the composition of your letter was abysmal. Oh, yes, it also was full of lies. You need to go back to school before you try to teach other people, and you need to learn what it means to be an honorable person before you do anything else! You should be ashamed of yourself.

  8. Why has NO ONE ever offered and explanation as to WHY “profiling” is supposed to be bad?

    Cuz it hurts the rat-people’s feelings?
    Who gives a fuck?

    Only one valid question: Does it work?

  9. The many cases like this and “homophobic” and rape accusations are why I no longer believe accusations by left wingers. And will anyone follow up with her employer to suggest the ethical dilemma of her teaching about racism and profiling to America’s youth?

  10. I went to this university two years ago for a semester to pick up a class I needed. I dealt with two instructors there and both them were bold face liars. One of them informed us he had been with 75th Ranger regiment, but before that was an MP and a whole host of wild tails that another student and I debunked time and again by comparing notes. It was a class on Police and the Community but the entire class was spent talking about Police Corruption and abuse of power. If I spoke up to the contrary I was set upon by pretty much everyone around me so I just shut up and got my work done and left. The entire school was a joke. I had to do three “projects” (papers, half of which were basically opinion papers and completely impossible to fail). The entire school seemed like a joke and I am willing to bet, from what other visiting students said, all of the professors there were equally useless as this one and mine.

  11. I hope that the state officials responsible for her supervision terminate her employment. Not only did this professor lie about the incident and make a false accusation of racial profiling, she did it while identifying herself as a teacher/professor employed by the state of CT. Is this now what our Law Enforcement personnel have to look forward to. What a bad message this would send to our young people to learn that lying has no consequences and that our teachers, the molders of young minds feel that lying is righteous and just. With all the problems regarding race relations that are in the news right now do we need a liar causing more problems and not suffering the consequences for it?

  12. This woman needs to be fired from her job and banned from ever working for any government funded entity for the rest of her life.

    In order for our laws to be fair, the claim of racism where there is none needs to carry twice the penalty of the actual crime they are accusing.

    The ramifications of this must be swift, severe and crystal clear. These kinds of lies cause riots – see Ferguson and the hand’s up don’t shoot lie.

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