How Would You Feel If Your Spouse Volunteered For a One-Way Mission To Mars? – IOTW Report

How Would You Feel If Your Spouse Volunteered For a One-Way Mission To Mars?

I wouldn’t feel so bad if we were both in on the fact that the entire Mars One project is a scam.

But, assuming that these people believe Mars One is a reality, how would you feel if your spouse volunteered for the mission?


A Virginia man has opened up about what it’s like having a wife who volunteered to be part of the controversial Mars One mission – and the fact that, in just a few years, he and his sons are expected to say goodbye to her forever.

Jason Stanford refers to himself as an ‘astronaut wife’, because his actual wife and stepmother to his two sons, Sonia Van Meter, 36, was one of the people chosen for the Mars One Project, a privately-funded one-way mission which hopes to establish a permanent human colony on the red planet.

The first Mars One mission is slated to launch in 2026 – amid widespread criticism from scientists and space luminaries – with four people to touch down, and then another four every two years from there.

Family: Van Meter, a political consultant, is married to Stanford and stepmother to his sons Henry, 13, and Hatcher, 11. They live in Alexandria, Virginia

However Stanford and his wife – who live in Alexandria, Virginia, with his sons Henry, 13, and Hatcher, 11 – support the mission, and he has now accepted his own role as part of the process.

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Your role??  You have no role. None.

22 Comments on How Would You Feel If Your Spouse Volunteered For a One-Way Mission To Mars?

  1. >>How Would You Feel If Your Spouse Volunteered For a One-Way Mission To Mars?

    There’s not enough rocket fuel, but just to entertain the idea if she were selected and this was actually legitimate then I would say she were more brave than me. Insurance would get kinda tricky, but we would have a decade left together. That’s more than a lot of people get.

  2. To answer the question “How Would You Feel If Your Spouse Volunteered For a One-Way Mission To Mars?”, my only problem with my (ex) spouse would be one of timing. Gee honey, why wait 11 years ………. I’ll help you pack and drive you to the launch site right now.

    Bon voyage!

    Have a nice trip!


  3. Right after the movie 2001: A Space Odyssey was released, Pan Am started taking reservations for trips into space and to the moon. Not because they started it; the brain-dead actually contacted Pan Am and wanted to reserve seats for the flights. Pan Am told them none were planned — this was just a movie. They didn’t care. They wanted to reserve those seats. So Pan Am took their money. And then it just turned into a PR campaign.

    The brain donors of today are just more of the same bunch. If they want to go, let them. And if my wife wants to go — DLTDHYOTWO.

  4. When I think of people volunteering for a one-way ticket, I think of brave American men saying good-bye to their mothers, wives and/or children, boarding ships headed for Europe or the Pacific in 1942. None of them wanted a one-way ticket, but for about 500,000 of them, that’s what they got.

    The reason this bitch is volunteering for a “one-way ticket,” that will never actually happen, is because she is trying to accomplish that which her grandfather did in WWII. It’s why she drives a Prius, tries to reduce her “carbon footprint,” only buys “sustainable” goods, and votes Democrat. She wants to Save the World.

    Sorry, honey, granddad and his buddies already did that, and no, you can’t live up to it. So you can play-pretend that you’re going to Mars, while actually destroying your family in the process, but it does not amount to a hill of beans. You will not save the planet. You will not “make a difference.”

    Unless you’re willing to be humble and say, “thank you, greatest generation, for saving the world and allowing me to have the most comfortable life imaginable in the entirety of the history of mankind,” you can go eff yourself into oblivion.

  5. That’s exactly what I asked one of my best friends who is in the running(or so I thought) to go. She said she wasn’t all that happy anyway in the marriage and he’s down for it too-whatever works.

    I just sent her this video and am waiting for her response, haven’t heard from her in months.

  6. With Obola as prezdunce, and the general outlook for America what it is, I’m surprised more people aren’t volunteering to go to Mars … or Brazil … or Uruguay … or Alpha Centauri … or Ceti Alpha V …

  7. Bill,
    Wrong answer. From the earliest days of the original NASA, there have been many offshoots that have benefitted us civilians: to include, but not limited to; integrated circuits, medical advances, and (last but not least), foam memory beds.
    NASA is not allowed to patent anything, or make a profit from it. So any advances or discoveries that come about from space exploration they MUST give away free (or at some nominal cost).

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