de Blasio Administration Fines Indian Restaurant For Wanting To Hire Indian Waiter – IOTW Report

de Blasio Administration Fines Indian Restaurant For Wanting To Hire Indian Waiter


It’s the ol’ ANTI-DISCRIMINATION thing.


How come this fruitcake is always at the front desk of every faggy business in NYC?


It’s never this guy-images

How is that possible without discrimination?

Read the story HERE

28 Comments on de Blasio Administration Fines Indian Restaurant For Wanting To Hire Indian Waiter

  1. You need to be very careful these days, just generalize the position then come time for callbacks or interviews, be specific and selective.

    It’s the same thing in the end, but now the precious snowflakes never have to deal with their faults.

  2. “How come this fruitcake is always at the front desk of every faggy business in NYC?”

    Because “front desk” jobs usually pay the least, which matters if you’re in a city where ya “gotta hire a homo.”

  3. It’s apparently also discriminatory to elect a politician with economic sensibility. As well, anyone with sense is discriminated against running in an election.

  4. Our favorite local Mexican restaurant was owned by a Mexican family and all extended family members worked there.

    The owners sold a few months ago, moving to another area of the country where their kids (who grew up in our fav restaurant) had moved to and opened their own restaurant.

    The new owners, while extremely nice, are from Uraguay (and totally Conservative-anti Obama!) and the wait staff is totally white.

    While the food is the same, the atmosphere has totally changed. We are looking for a new favorite spot after 17 years.

    There’s something to be said for a wait staff that coordinates with the ethnicity of the establishment. Dining out is a “total experience”.

    After all, down here, I would never step foot in a “Southern Home Cooking” restaurant owned and staffed by yankees.

  5. I read another version of this same story. The original ad was placed at least TWO YEARS ago. And it’s taken DeBlahBlahBlah this long to get to charging the Indian restaurant owner. But (as Billy Mays would say), THERE’S MORE! The restaurant WENT OUT OF BUSINESS TWO YEARS AGO, not too long after the ad was placed. (there were pictures. sad, so sad. trash in the doorway, etc) So the (non)restaurant owner never had an opportunity to act on his “discrimination”. I wondered at the time if the (non)restaurant owner would just ignore the summons and fine? (I know I would. wadda they gonna do? close me down? pfffft) Or if he would attempt to fight the entire thing?

  6. It’s new York. I dock my boat in Brooklyn and bitch about the same stuff. The women are more manly and have more upper body strength than the men. At least the fruits often work out. The straight guys look like Holocaust survivors but with shittier beards.

  7. Since there’s no reply button on your last post….at least on my tiny phone screen…i’llI’ll reply here. I know many people from Virginia, home of Gen. Lee, that have no southern accent…I work there…..and they’re non-yankees.

  8. @bison guy — I also have no “reply” button for your comment. Understand what you’re saying about Virginia (accent).

    I stand by my comment that a yankee coming to the Deep South trying to promote a “Southern Home Cooking” restaurant will not fly.

  9. “Scenic views are guaranteed.”

    Near 82nd St. and Allisonville Rd. I haven’t been up in that neighborhood for a couple years. Are the gangs as bad at Castleton Square as they are at Washington Square?

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