When Progs Speak Unfiltered – IOTW Report

When Progs Speak Unfiltered

Kelly Osbourne felt comfortable amongst her own, so comfortable she just let the mush in her head spill out her gob hole.

Watch as the fellow lefties are, at first, horrified by what she says, and then immediately try to bury her turd in the sand.

If she was right-wing they’d stop the show to have everyone take a kick at her corpse.Screen Shot 2015-08-04 at 10.11.19 PM


52 Comments on When Progs Speak Unfiltered

  1. The dick head is a blithering British reject just like her abnormal countryman Piers Morgan! They speak a revised version of English that doesn’t contain any common sense or logic. But then again they still worship an inbreed like Charles Windsor and the other royal hind ends!

  2. I just can’t understand why this bitchfest program still sells. I watch The Five on Fox quite often and it is of the same format but much, much better. So much better talent.

  3. If you’re trying to get iOTWreport to stop commenting on pop culture, and highlighting leftist celebrities when they say something stupid in order to isolate and embarrass them, it’s not going to work.

    If you’re trying to be funny by being proud of not knowing who anyone is, or feigning ignorance, I respectfully ask you to not ever make this sort of comment again.

  4. Remember the video of that woman who was the spokesperson for a hotel in Florida and, when talking about the conservatives wanting to stop illegal immigration, said something like, “Then who is going to do our gardening? Who is going to do our laundry?” Or something like that.

    (I can’t find the video, though I don’t blame the international socialist conspiracy. It’s just my inability to enter the correct search phrases.)

    This video from the spew is just more of the same. By Friday, no progressive will admit this ever happened.

  5. Last time I’m saying this. Beyond this I am going to start banning people.
    For the first time ever on iOTWreport I will begin banning people because that’s HOW FUCKING INFURIATING THE
    (put finger in nose) “WHO IS THIS AND WHY DO I CARE WHAT THEY SAY?? ” (derrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrp) comment is.

    Imagine a world where the left gets to say whatever they want unchallenged 24/7 because the right “doesn’t care who they are or what they say.”

    Why is Martin Bashir gone?

    That’s right, because of the right.

    Where is Piers Morgan?

    That’s right, the right made him a laughing stock.

    Where’s Anthony Weiner?

    That’s right, the right had their eyes and ears open and caught him on social media doing stupid shit.

    Where’s Ed Schultz?
    Gone. Why? Because the right made fun of him so much, pointed out his stupidity so much it made him uncool to watch, even for a young lefty.

    Now along comes a lefty bashing Donald Trump for being a racist and the lefty makes the RACIST STATEMENT.

    Do we

    A: Isolate and ridicule, making Trump’s positions seem less radical and more reasonable compared to the tolerant and enlightened left?

    B: Give them a free pass because some out f touch guy doesn’t know or care who she is?

    For the record, you don’t have to know who this person is to enjoy this clip of a lefty on national television slipping up and saying that without illegals there will be no one to clean toilets.
    That’s gold.

    But, I should have passed on it because some guy wants us to focus on Glenn Miller. That’ll bring back the right.

    Do you know how many more lefty shows there would be if the right didn’t criticize them?

    I’m prepared to try and sink Stephen Colbert from the moment he debuts in late night television.

    When I satire him, ridicule him, say the show sucks and ratf*ck him, the first person who says “who is he and why do I care what he says?” I am going to get on a plane, find you and beat the snot out of you.

  6. It’s really neither. I am honestly out of touch with the pop stuff, and do not know who this dink is. My why GAF comment is directed at the dink for being a dink of no importance, and not directed at iOTWr.

    I guess I’m the dink for not knowing this dink..

  7. And… the “I don’t know who this is, and therefore I don’t care” is really a non-comment and one that doesn’t need to be made. Google the name!
    It’s like sitting behind someone at at a stop sign when there is free traffic and then realizing they are reading/on their phone. Get a clue!

  8. I’m not going to be made to start second guessing my instincts on what to post and not post in this ongoing game of Alinsky.

    If people mean this to be a joke, and an insult against the people we are highlighting, it’s not a funny joke.
    It’s backfiring. Because the comment is an insult to us. It says. “why are you wasting my time with these people who I don’t care about?”

  9. I can tolerate anything on iOTWreport. Even lefty trolls.
    My kryptonite is the “why should I GAF what this person says?” comment.

    And don’t think I’m singling you out personally.
    I’ve gotten on everybody that makes this comment, to the point where everyone knows this is my trigger.

    So, a good way to troll me is to make that comment.
    In fact, when it’s made I don’t really know what to do other than to lash out.

    Fun, right?

    Carry on.

  10. Yes Sir. The clip stood by itself. I didn’t know who she was but what she said was ugly. And there was no outrage by the panel
    of dimwits.
    I remember back when VP Dan Quale (sp) spelled potato with an “e” on the end. The libs when apeshit. It was in the news for days, weeks, months, even years. They never let up. They convinced the gullible public that the VP was a total idiot.
    Nothing was further from the truth.
    Fast forward to Obama visiting 57 states. Oh he was tired etc.
    Not a word of criticism.
    Go for the jugular FUR.

  11. Keep on carrying on, you are correct. I would never comment on a story with a comment of “who cares, never heard of them”. It’s an empty comment trying to point back on the author as an elitist. And also damning the author of the article.

  12. Amen, Fur! Preach it!

    There is no better fight to have with the lefty nuts than to highlight their idiocy, point, laugh, and make the other idiots watch.

    When we stay silent and/or cower, they feel bold and will continue their idiocy to the point that it affects our lives (for the worse).

    When we do our thing (one of the reasons iOTWreport was created), they feel isolated, made into a silly joke which makes them the silly joke and THEY are the ones who eventually become silent and/or cower.

    I like that much better.

    Keep hitting them with their foolishness, Fur. They are just asking for it.

  13. What a ditz. You have to wonder whether the part of her brain that’s a filter is being held prisoner in that head of hers and all she hears when she’s delivering a line like this is a muffled sound like a voice yelling behind a gag. Maybe the seven or eight hundred hits of acid too many that Mum and Dad took before they had her is part of the problem.

  14. Well, consequences, there should be but then in leftard land there will be none except to keep her off these venues where harm can be done to the cause. Her mother, Sharon is a big time loser leftist and although, she pulled Ozzie from oblivion of his drunken stoop, I rally enjoy her progeny screwing up on national scene. Gives a view to her unbringing and that was in major part to her mother. What was that word used weeks ago, stupid bint.

  15. I didn’t know exactly who she was either, but after seeing this shitstorm in the comments, you can bet your ass I’m going to try like hell to care about her…

    ; D

    (P.S. – Joking around here. Please don’t ban me.)

  16. When they expelled the Jews from Spain in 1492, that Spick dude asked the King “Who will make our shoes?”

    So, if we expel the Illegal Invading Rat People, we’re gonna have to clean our own toilets?

    Got some bad news for you maggots – we already clean our own toilets! It’s only you rich maggots who have Illegal Invading Rat People cleaning your toilets and doing your gardening.

  17. I don’t get what is racist about what she said.
    Immigrants find work in domestic positions.
    Domestic workers clean toilets
    Its just liberals falling over each other playing the “Toxic Comment Hot Potato” game.
    Celebrities should concentrate on what they know how to do instead commenting on things that matter;
    Like finding a piece of tape and standing on it, and then reading.

  18. “rich maggots”

    I like that! It’s what most elite progs are. Because, of course, the pain of living under prog rule is only for the peons (of which all conservatives are).

  19. “who cares?” is also a selfish comment assuming you speak for the masses.
    If you’re going to make a dumb ass “who cares” comment then state “I don’t care” and that will beg the question “then why are you here?”
    “Who cares” is mainly saying “look at me” I’m ignorant on pop culture and proud of it.
    Politically influenced pop culture is why we are in the “proverbial” toilet right now!
    Kelly Osbourne, should we get Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio to clean America’s toilet? YOU, Kelly O., are the shit stain and a fine example of the Liberal mindset on Immigrants!

  20. Mr. Fur, let me know if you need a wingman.
    Sitting in front of one of the most awesome easy access libarys ever invented and they ask who somebody is?
    Ignorance should never be considered a clever line.

  21. It all comes down to Liberals think that Hispanics are only qualified to clean toliets which amounts to a racist thought. They were horrified she uttered what they (with the eception of Rosie Perez0 were all thinking.

    The truth is many illegal aliens take janitorial positions to keep a low profile and avoid interaction with the general public. Of course libs will have you believe that only doctors, lawyers, teachers and quantum physicists are sneaking into America. The moment of frank honesty from a liberal’s mouth is what horrified the group.

    Hense, why it is posted and relevant. Libs love looking down on people and pretending it’s us on the conservative side doing it.

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