Nearly half of students don’t speak English at GA elementary school – IOTW Report

Nearly half of students don’t speak English at GA elementary school

EAGNews– CANTON, Ga. – A Georgia elementary school launched a new program for upcoming school year that will rely on older students who just learned English to help teach younger students the language.

UPDATE: Cherokee County School District spokeswoman Barbara Jacoby emailed EAGnews to dispute the WSBTV story as a “complete fabrication.” Her full explanation is included below. 

“Approximately 42 percent of our students are served in our program for English as a second language,” Canton Elementary School Principal Beth Long told WSBTV.

That means about 336 of the school’s 800 students must learn how to speak, write and read English fluently, a process school officials contend takes five to seven years.

To help speed the learning, school officials plan to use older students as translators for younger students to help teachers communicate lessons effectively, according to the news site.

“The new school year will be very interesting here at Canton Elementary,” WSBTV reporter Darryn Moore said. “The student population is very diverse and English is not the first language for many kids.”

The news story provided omitted all details on the school’s new program, including the cost. But Canton isn’t the only elementary school relying on special programs to cope with an increase in ESL students.  more

10 Comments on Nearly half of students don’t speak English at GA elementary school

  1. If we deducted the cost from the foreign aid we send to their home countries the flood would be slowed to a trickle. Cut off the gravy and Mexico would build a fence to keep them in.

  2. Isn’t it amazing what can be found in the Constitution nowadays? Hey, lookie, we found a verb that seems to indicate that American tax paying citizens have to front all the money needed to educate the millions of 3rd world illegal aliens that snuck into this country.
    That was fun, let’s see if we can find any other nouns, verbs or conjunctions hidden in the script by the Founding Fathers that would mandate Homosexual marriage, murder of babies and that everybody, living, dead or by proxy can vote and vote often (no proof of anything needed)! We are on a roll, what can invent or manufacture next to really bamboozle those bitter clingers, racists, nativists and as Gruber said stupid Americans?

  3. Mz. Jacoby sounds awfully defensive and peevish over the report. Which means the report was mostly likely true and she doesn’t like how close the reporter got to the truth.

  4. Our treasonous, deluded government at work once again in my home state. Immorally use taxpayer dollars to teach English to people that shouldn’t be here in the first place. Then once they partially learn the basics, have them poorly teach other people that shouldn’t be here either so that none of them are actually fluent in English. It’ll just be an excuse to make Spanish the official language in a few years.

    Not that long ago I would have considered myself to be joking.

  5. That just doesn’t sound right. can it really be legal and constitutional to expect the 3rd world criminal invaders to learn English? Wouldn’t it make far more sense to mandate that all American citizens learn 173 different foreign languages so that
    they will be able to converse in any given person’s native tongue? No wonder the world’s population derides Americans for their lack of manners!

  6. Soooooo … are they speaking spick?
    Eastern Shore Oysterman?
    Southern Maryland Redneck?
    New Hampshire?
    New Yauk City?

  7. @CC — Amen!

    Here’s my heartburn — Canton is a small town northwest of Atlanta in the lower mountain region. Never would have thought they would have this problem.

    Gwinnett County, yes. DeKalb County, yes.

    Canton? Head beating desk.

  8. jclady – this is going on all over GA (and the entire US). I have a house in Gwinnett but spend most of my time in a much smaller rural community. Gwinnett is LOADED with foreigners (mostly illegal I suspect) and even the small rural town has more than its share. Going to a store in either place, I would estimate about 20% in the small town are non-English speakers with closer to 30% or more in Gwinnett. Based on my local observations I would bet there is probably well over 50 million criminal invaders in the US right now, not to mention millions more that are considered “legal” but shouldn’t be here either.

    And just because I don’t think they should be here doesn’t mean that I hate anyone as a lot of misguided people like to imply …… they simply don’t belong here sucking up resources stolen from actual American citizens in one way or another. I don’t hate my neighbor’s cat when she comes up on the porch looking for attention, but I also don’t think it’s my responsibility to take care of all her needs.

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