Top 5 Hypocrisies That Make Jon Stewart a Jerk – IOTW Report

Top 5 Hypocrisies That Make Jon Stewart a Jerk

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6 Comments on Top 5 Hypocrisies That Make Jon Stewart a Jerk

  1. Jon Stewart is very likely a jerk, but he’s also a smart guy in that he excels at pandering to an audience of jerks. It sure helps to be a jerk yourself if that’s how you make your living, but you never know.

    Naaah. We know.

  2. The only thing I appreciate Stewart for is that he gave my friends Ass Ponys (a band) stage time back in 1994. Other than that, John, you’re really not all that great stuff NPR is heaping on you the last few days. Not at all. Time’s up, go die now.

  3. Celebrities who push their political views seem to be pathetic, insecure little people suffering from low self-esteem and huge egos. Why in the world would they dare to even think that their opinions are worth anything or would carry any weight or legitimate influence. They clearly focus their mouth-trash to those who are easily influenced and have no more of a clue than the dumb-ass celebrity has. People really should refuse to attend those celebrities’ concerts, their movies or buy their records and cds. And when they show up on tv, either turn the channel or just turn the tv off. Just stop patronizing those foolish asses!

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