GOP Debate Open Thread – IOTW Report

GOP Debate Open Thread

Thoughts and comments in the comments

194 Comments on GOP Debate Open Thread

  1. My dog is going crazy over the doorbell time warning.
    Trump early on established it is all about him and he would pull a Perot.
    A few years ago he went after Obama on BC issue and immediately dropped it when the photoshopped joke was published.
    ALL TALK and all about his ego trip.
    Don’t trust him.

  2. I want the panel to ask the toughest questions possible of all the candidates. No freaking softball that doesn’t inform anyone.

    I want each candidate to have to defend their worse weakness.

    The ones that survive need to be battle tested to such a degree that we won’t have another Candy Crowley throwing a life line to another Democratic candidate. I want the Republican to hammer the Dems and if the panel is packed with leftist then the candidate should be pounding them as well.

    So fire away Fox News. May the strongest candidate survive.

  3. Question before break: What would you do first to stimulate the economy?
    My Ans: Institute a corporate tax amnesty. Our American corporations have trillions of $ overseas and are unwilling to repatriate that money at the expense of our high repatriation tax. Other countries would not be happy, but it would be a major surge of dollars from foreign currency (boosting the dollar). This would be so easy, quick, and productive.

  4. Showing he has no core values. He will financially support liberal democrats for what they can do for him, including having Clintons at his wedding. I assume that’s wedding three to his latest child bride.

  5. Fox is all in for bush. Soft ball questions and laughing with him. They are targeting trump, Cruz,Carson and walker. This is so sad. Bye bye fox news and that Kelly girl needs to grow the f up.

  6. Everybody keeps saying that we don’t need a third party. If Trump runs as an independent we still won’t have a 3rd party. We will then have the Anti-American Party now inhabited by the Demo-RATS, pasty white Marxists, hate and race baiters and all other low life creatures (RINO’s will feel very comfortable there just as they do now parroting their policies)! And then we will have the American Party made up of those patriots who are willing to fight and to risk all in order to once again put this country on solid constitutional footing and to make this country once again the greatest on earth and throughout history!

  7. Back to Trump – bankruptcy issues.
    He “uses the laws” and has “taken advantage” of the system and the laws. All about him and what he can get out of it.
    Trump, you’re fired.

  8. Trump hung himself with the whole harangue on corruption and how he trades favors.

    He ended up explaining how he personally benefits from it (so viewers are left with the impression that he is as corrupt as everyone else in the system) with out actually condemning it or pledging to reform how government works.

  9. Trump told Wallace he was not dealing with children with his Atlantic City deals. Wallace looked like an asshole with a shit eating grin. Then Trump reminded Wallace that the country is 18 trillion dollars in dept. Trump can handle that, he said..

    Megan Kelly’s head is getting as big as O’Reilly’s. Too slick, but I won’t call her a “puppet.”

  10. This is a Trump character assination attempt by Fox News. I thought something was up this morning when they were setting his bar so high. Look how personal they make his questions compared to everyone else. Like the question Kelly just asked now. He’d be treated more fairly on MSNBC

  11. “jetstream says:
    August 6, 2015 at 10:30 pm

    All the attacks on Trump are personal attacks on his character. They must create the narrative that he is:
    1. Angry and nasty
    2. Uses bankruptcy and steals from others
    3. Lies and changes his positions
    4. Fickle because he changed party

    Is anyone else having their character attacked? Or are they just being asked to defend against criticisms of their positions and actions?”

  12. Again, I’m not nearly as impressed with the “A” list as I was with Carly in the 5:00 debate.

    Also, not as impressed with Fox’s “A” list moderators tonight as I was with Bill and Martha at 5:00.

  13. Fox has tried to ignore President Cruz ever since he announced he was running. Megyn Kelly went from treating Cruz with respect to being a bitch. They won’t be able to ignore him much longer.

  14. But we need to remind ourselves of this. Fox News is going to have a lot of eye balls that they usually do not have: a chance to gain viewers. So consider this when considering the moderator’s questions and performance.

  15. loved Carson…….Cruz was great……Walker not so bad…
    actually thought Huckabee was good……but FOX trumped (pun intended) him up
    Rubio was unexpectedly good …but I don’t quite trust him….Bush….meh….
    Trump….Trump is Trump……but, like Rubio…I don’t quite trust him

    Actually, a pretty good field

  16. Believe it or not, I score Rand Paul highest on specifics, but very low on temperament.

    I liked Cruz and Walker.

    Trump is interesting, but more hat and boots than cattle.

    I’d take anyone on the panel over Jeb Bush.

  17. I’m happy to see Ben Carson do as well as he did, for a political novice he handled that like a star performer. Cruz was good, as expected. Trump, I don’t think he won anyone over that doesn’t already like him. The moderators, I’m impressed, but not in a positive way. It seems like they think we are having an election so that a bunch of talking heads can have a chance to show how smart and beautiful they all are.

  18. They created a blood sport with these interrogations. Trump was their piñata by design. Bush disgusts me, programmed robot. Played them all, played favorites. Rating versus substance. This was Fox doing a disservice in my opinion.

  19. call me a cynic, call me naive, call me brilliant, call me an asshole, or a savant….but if anybody changes their mind about ‘their’ candidate after this fiasco…..well

    and the reason nobody talked about ‘gun control’….it’s poison

    we’re 18 months out….none of this matters.

    i’d rather watch Family Feud….this was more for ratings for Fox

    just my opinion

  20. Fox News had a lot of eye balls that they usually do not have: a chance to gain viewers. So consider this when considering the moderator’s questions and performance.

  21. Trumps gotta get off the same old same old talking points. He’s got plenty to choose from. Ben Carson won this debate and Rubio was second. I’ll never watch Kelly again even if she’s naked. She probably has weird nipples anyway.

  22. Krauthammer: Trump was weak! Out of his element of stammering on about candidates. “When he didn’t have a chance to ramble on, he was testy, thin-skinned”.

    Huh? That isn’t what I saw.

  23. Honestly I don’t mean to be dogging your trail but you nailed it. And what are they saying? Republican, Republican, Republican. How about his base? Conservatives bitches!

  24. Fox is impressed with Ben Carson because he had some glib remarks at the end.


    I like Ben Carson, but why are we responding to who scored points because of affability?

  25. In preparation of the debate I got pork chops to cook on the grill. 1 1/2 inches thick, 5 inches around, bone in with plenty of fat. They got done as the debate stated and Trump vowed to go third party if necessary. As I ate my chops, I was reminded of a novel called “Restaurant at the end of the universe”, not sure why, but somewhere in pig heaven is a pig that is happy that I enjoyed eating him! 2 hours later, there is still a party in my belly! Those where some dang good pork chops! Anyway, my take….

    Trump was fantastic!
    Carson moved up.
    Jeb was political.
    Cruz was Cruz.
    Rubio tested bumper sticker stuff.
    Kaisic (SP) is tall.
    Christie is round.
    Huck improved.
    Rand had one good line. (and still has bad hair).

    I’m missing one I think?

    I do have to say that Megan Kelly looked realty hot in that black dress with her blonde hair tossed over her left shoulder…she knows how to get noticed! She’s smart too! Hot and smart is a good way to get thru life!

    who did I miss?

  26. All right, what I got out of the debate is that Megan Kelly is one billion times the woman that Candy Crowley could ever dream of!
    (Though Candy likely only dreams of a buffet and chocolate)

    And, I cannot wait for the debates against Hillary.
    Nearly every R candidate could smoke that old evil cow.

  27. I respectably disagree. Trump Exposed the system that he used to get rich. Once you expose that system, you lose all possible future favors. He is daring them to say it ain’t so, and “they” won’t. That’s one of the few things I like about him. I still don’t trust him, but he is slowly working on that.

  28. He gave the RINOs the finger with that answer. I’m tired of being held hostage to a threat of a dem win if there is a third party. What’s the difference between the dems and the repubes? Not a dang thing. The repubes voted McConnell and Boehner as their leaders!!! They cannot get PP defunded!!! WTF

  29. Cruz won the debate….PERIOD.

    Walker came in second, followed by Rubio, then a toss-up between Carson/Kassich.

    I like Carson, but he is too soft, and Clinton would destroy him in the debates.
    Kassich would be a good VP candidate, as we need Ohio to win.

    Cruz/Kassich 2016.

  30. First time Trump’s ever been in that kind of dog and pony show. I think he was nervous.

    Trump was great on Hannity.. Last thing I’d have expected from Hannity. Reminded me of a lawyer rehabilitating a witness.

  31. I don’t know. Carson’s reference to tithing, I think, is a good thing. It’s only 10%. And if conservatives want to talk about God and scripture, then they need to own it and not be Christian Lite about it.

    I’m still a “Chuz Cruz” girl. And he did very well. Christie, Rubio, Bush, Kasich, and everyone else (except Walker and Paul) are too plugged into the machine to let go of it. Cruz has it right — everything is hypothetical unless you’ve actually done anything about any of the problems. And a slick pol can talk ’til the cows come home about what *should* be done.

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