Sanger’s Bust Gets Busted – IOTW Report

Sanger’s Bust Gets Busted

The Smithsonian Institution’s National Portrait Gallery in D.C. has received a request by a group of black pastors to remove the bust of Margaret Sanger from their exhibit titled “Struggle for Justice.”



 The letter asks the director of the portrait gallery how they could put her in with civil rights leaders when Sanger supported the KKK and directed her eugenics agenda on the Black community. 


The pastors warn the Smithsonian that the letter is but the opening round of action they will take to expose the real story of Margaret Sanger, if they don’t remove the bust.


Maybe there’s a Nazi exhibit down the hall they could just slide her right in with.


9 Comments on Sanger’s Bust Gets Busted

  1. I think it’s quite ironic that her bust in is on exhibit under the title “Struggle for Justice.” Justice for whom, it’s certainly not justice for all the unborn children who have been murdered because of her progressive eugenic policies. This should not be in the Smithsonian and should be removed immediately and destroyed. Perhaps it really should belong in Hell’s hall of fame/shame.

  2. Dummies. So, they’ll expose the real story of MS if the bust isn’t removed. These numbnuts have a platform to address thousands of people yet the go to a museum (where apparently black people don’t go, just ask Mike Obama) to demand a bust that most have-not nor will probably ever see be removed.

    My head swirls from the stupidity .

    If I were at the Smithsonian I would kindly remind all these pastors that it was the black church that MS approached to put forth her ideas on eugenics via The Negro Project they are actually complicit then just like now in the murder of millions of black children via abortion.

    Now, bug off.

  3. Unbelievable, Black’s are challenging their mostly white masters over their goddess Sanger! The white masters, and a bunch of tag a long race baiters and haters, Clintonite’s Marxists and other bottom dwelling plantation owning big money people, will not be amused by uppity low life’s challenging their heroine!!

  4. Uh oh! Is the jig up about the Dems committing genocide on the blacks?

    One can only hope their eyes are opening!

    Maybe Lyndon Johnson’s racist ploy for them to vote Dem for 200 years is cracking up!

  5. Its about time. The only reason these same people have not shown up to demand that the Hildebeest return and denounce her Margaret Sanger Award, is because Hillary has not done a public event where any of them can get to her. Its private donor events and speeches with highly controlled and very secure access.

    Wait till these guys meet the Hildebeest’s Arkansas mafia Private Security force.

    ‘dis gon’ be good…

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