Woman Runs London Marathon Without a Tampon, Bleeds Freely to Raise Awareness – IOTW Report

Woman Runs London Marathon Without a Tampon, Bleeds Freely to Raise Awareness

Erick Erickson unavailable for comment.


Kiran Gandhi, who has played drums for singer M.I.A. and Thievery Corporation, decided to run the London Marathon without a tampon. Gandhi let her blood flow freely to raise awareness about women who have no access to feminine products and to encourage women to not be embarrassed about their periods.

“I ran the whole marathon with my period blood running down my legs,” the 26-year-old wrote of the April race on her website.

Woman Runs London Marathon Without a Tampon, Bleeds Freely to Raise Awareness| BodyWatch, M.I.A.

Kiran Gandhi (center) and fellow runners

Gandhi, a Harvard Business School graduate, wrote that she got her period the night before the big race and thought that a tampon would be uncomfortable while she ran. But that isn’t the only reason she decided to let it flow.


60 Comments on Woman Runs London Marathon Without a Tampon, Bleeds Freely to Raise Awareness

  1. Shit is natural too. Are you going to let white westerners shame you about your poo poo – or are you going to run your next race with a pant load? You ridiculous fool.

  2. Hey Fur, I run the Disney World Marathon every January in Orlando.
    Can we have an IOTW contest for people to suggest some outrageous bullshit non-issue I can protest to draw attention to?

    Keep in mind I am a hetero, white, male.
    Oh, I see, I am fucked!

  3. God! Stop!! (Best laugh all day — and it’s already been a funny day).

    I don’t believe she wanted to make a statement at all. She either forgot to use a tampon, thought she had used a tampon or didn’t use a big enough tampon. Yes, it happens. Having then found herself in an embarrassing situation, she did what all progtard morons do, she justified it.

  4. Just wear a second amendment or NRA tee shirt. I’ll guarantee that you’ll draw more attention than this bimbo. ‘Course, maybe not in Orlando, more so if it were Disney Land in Commiefornia.

  5. This is too rich, her actual quote:

    If there’s one way to transcend oppression, it’s to run a marathon in whatever way you want,” she wrote. “Where the stigma of a woman’s period is irrelevant, and we can re-write the rules as we choose.”

    Obama ‘straw-man’ argument school valedictorian no doubt…

  6. I played in an over-30 baseball league. We had a guy from Haiti playing right field who seemed to be in some discomfort for an entire inning.
    When he ran in, the back of his pantaloons were…. soiled.

    I think he was protesting the price of the fudgie bars at the concession.

  7. A “feminized” version of an old Christmas classic:

    Oh the male patriarchy is frightful,

    But feminists are so insightful,

    Since I have no brain to show,

    Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow.

  8. Attacking a culture still OK?
    This furthers my opinion that Indians, dot not feathers, are the most hygienically backward people to come from a supposed enlightened culture.

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