Cruz to States: Impose Your Own Iran Sanctions – IOTW Report

Cruz to States: Impose Your Own Iran Sanctions

RollCall- PELHAM, Ala. — Sen. Ted Cruz said Sunday that doing everything possible to thwart the Iran deal should include states exploring imposing their own sanctions.

ted cruz

The Republican presidential candidate from Texas was asked at a raucous town hall-style forum here about the prospects of states taking action to impose sanctions on the money the Obama administration has agreed to release as part of the deal regarding the country’s nuclear development.

“I think that states should act and lead to do exactly that,” Cruz said.

Cruz conceded it could be a tough legal question with some Supreme Court precedent in opposition, but he did highlight his success while solicitor general of Texas in arguing against the George W. Bush administration in Medellin v. Texas.

In that case, Bush had applied an order from the International Criminal Court to state judicial proceedings, like those in Texas. That was upended by the Court in a 6-3 decision.

“The court further concluded that no president, Republican or Democrat, has the constitutional authority to give up U.S. sovereignty,” Cruz said. “So, I think states ought to go down that road. It’ll be a fight. It’s not an open and shut legal argument, but we ought to do everything we can to resist this … Iranian deal.”  MORE

9 Comments on Cruz to States: Impose Your Own Iran Sanctions

  1. That is good to see, and it causes me to ask again why in the hell he voted to give this administration fast track trade authority. These guys need to be fought at every opportunity. I know I’m beating a dead horse on this but I sure would like an answer.

  2. If you want to say Iran & Iraq, all you need to do is combine Iran & B’arack,


    One of those mis-typed made-up words that we had a thread on once, it took me this long to come up with one.

  3. In the current issue of The Limbaugh Letter, the monthly interview is with Ted Cruz. The more I see and read from this guy….the more it cements my decision to help fund him.

    He’s the conservative we have all been waiting for

  4. I think that is a part of the explanation. However, I would be happier if he got up everyday with the intention of stopping everything this administration wants to do. These guys can not be trusted to do anything that benefits this country. I wouldn’t let them negotiate a bathroom pass.

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