That Takes Stones – IOTW Report

That Takes Stones

The Mayor of Madison, Paul Soglin, has been trying different options to discourage the homeless from making downtown their permanent squatters camp.



Now he’s taking the “stones” from the Philosopher’s Grove.

Last month the mayor closed down their free storage  and he’s tried to pass an ordinance to keep the homeless from “sitting, lying or lodging” on benches, sidewalks and right-of-ways from 5:30 a.m to 1:00 a.m.


The leftist City Council, however refused to pass the mayor’s loitering ordinance and have instead made the homeless of the city a “protected class.”

12 Comments on That Takes Stones

  1. limit use of downtown public benches to one hour

    There’s a real good parking meter company in Chicago that would be more than happy to submit a no bid contract in order to clock the time accurately. They even have bright yellow out of order plastic bags they can wrap the benches in when the meters fail. Welcome to your created hell, progressives.

  2. STEP 1: Take tones of tax money from people who do something constructive for your town.

    STEP 2: Buy tons of SH!T with that tax money.

    STEP 3: Offer it as FREE SH!T to people who don’t do much if anything constructive for your town.

    STEP 4: Act “surprised/shocked!” when people who thrive on FREE SH!T gravitate towards these towns and mess the towns up.

  3. Waaaaayyyyy back in the old days, at the end of Mardi Gras, the cops would announce that Mardi Gras was over and to clear the streets. After about 30 minutes they got big croquet-type mallets, mounted horses, and rode from one end of the street to the other knocking the shit outta whoever was still on the street. If ya didn’t leave then, you got arrested for vagrancy.

    Some lumpy heads, but pretty effective.

  4. Let me clear something up. You’ve got Milwaukee, you’ve got Madison, and you’ve got the rest of the state of Wisconsin. Please don’t try to connect the two cesspools with the rest of us.

  5. Ronald Regan: “The Democrats Belief System: If it moves, tax it. If it continues to move, regulate it. If it stops moving, subsidize it.”

    That should be Madison’s motto.

  6. But, the fundamental transformation is coming along nicely so far. Waukesha is quickly becoming a welfare leech dump after living here most of my life, apparently we can’t remain a conservative stronghold and need more diversity. I can now count on being accosted by panhandlers making my 2 block walk to get a coffee every morning, thanks to the recent “changes”.

    There are many blacks in Milwaukee just waiting for the green light of subsidized housing so that they can flood the suburbs at the will of the leftists who are pushing them to come here. Give it a decade, and Milwaukee/Madison won’t seem so bad, because the rest of our state will follow their course.

    The lucky/smart folks now are those who choose to live outside the SE corner of the state. This region is headed downhill fast.

  7. Another good point. Western conservative suburbs will be under siege while the rich liberal areas near the lakefront will remain undisturbed. Not begrudginging the rich just the hippocrassy

  8. Thank GOD the failed attempt at the light rail system to connect Milwaukee to Madison was shot down, as that’d have just expedited the process of decline to new levels and we’d already have a smoking crater of a city here where I reside.

    Precisely why the liberals in our area must be at constant odds with their own failed ideals. The ONLY reason they still have relative peace in Milwaukee is because it’s so segregated – perhaps they need a bit more diversity on Lake Drive and the surrounding areas to give them a dose of the reality they inflict on the rest of us who can’t afford those mansions just yet.

  9. Key West is overrun with bums…..loud nasty shit on the street bums….about 15 years ago or so, Folks used to go over to the High School on Sunday, grab a School bus, and drive around snatching the nastiest ones off of the street/playgrounds/boat ramps/beaches. And drive them to Miamuh ….this worked quite well….until the ACLU got involved….sigh.

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