The Planned Parenthood Scam – IOTW Report

The Planned Parenthood Scam

A former insider, Abby Johnson, who worked for the nation’s #1 abortion provider, discusses how Planned Parenthood conned women into “donating” their aborted babies and how the abortionist fudges the truth in order to use the procedure that maximizes usable tissue.

 PP vampire


 She explains the incentive system to get women to agree to donate their aborted babies. 


PP has so abused the intention of the laws that try to restrict their ghoulish practices that they should be outlawed completely and the profit motive taken out of abortion altogether.


7 Comments on The Planned Parenthood Scam

  1. The, “LAW,” be damned! As Charles Dickens so eloquently wrote, “If the law supposes that, the law is a ass—a idiot.”

    Last week, God allowed me to see my new and first grandchild. When we saw her (and were eventually allowed to hold her by my guarding son 🙂 and as is right and responsibility), we were in awe, once again, of the miracle that He has bestowed upon us. We saw her head/face, neck, shoulders, torso, arms, hands, fingers, fingernails, hips, legs, feet, toes, and all aligned in a symmetrical and Godly ordained fashion.

    I cried. So much for big, tough, me.

    A long way around the barn to say that abortion is murder, no matter the week of gestation, there are no arguments. BRING IT ON!

  2. Last week, Obama decried that the Republicans and the Iranian hardline radicals.
    From Newsmax: “What I said is absolutely true, factually. The truth of the matter is, inside of Iran, the people most opposed to the deal are the Revolutionary Guard, the Quds Force, hardliners who are implacably opposed to any cooperation with the international community,” Obama said.

    Well, in this country, the people most supportive of Planned Parenthood’s termination of minority pregnancies are racists. There are some that take great joy that there are fewer minorities as a result of Planned Parenthood’s focus on the inner-cities.

    Obama, Clinton, and the rest of the Democrat party are completely aligned with the likes of the Ku Klux Klan. What I just said is absolutely true, factually.

  3. Congratulations, BigGun. A very eloquent post, indeed. Blessings to you and your family. Enjoy your new granddaughter. I’m sure she will continue to bring you joy.

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