What if we had an all-black police force and black people were still shot? – IOTW Report

What if we had an all-black police force and black people were still shot?

Al Sharton would have to calculate how black the cop was in relation to the perp shot.

The names have been released of the officer and individual involved in the shooting outside of Buffalo Wild Wings in Greenville late Friday night.

Greenville Police Department Public Information Officer Kristen Hunter said in a press release that Gary Barrett was the officer involved while Tsombe Jashon Clark was the individual involved. Barrett is a 20-year veteran of the GPD currently assigned to the Motorcycle Unit. Clark, 25, is from Robersonville.

Barrett has been placed on administrative leave with pay pending the outcome of an investigation, which is standard procedure in these situations. The SBI is investigating.

Officials said the off-duty officer was flagged down as he picked up a to-go order from the restaurant, located on Arlington Boulevard. Greenville Police said the officer identified himself to people involved in an altercation outside and attempted to break up a fight.

Police said at one point Clark ran to his car to grab a gun and started firing. They also said Barrett told Clark to put his gun down but, instead, Clark fired at the officer, who then fired back.

The officer was not injured. The shooting victim was taken to Vidant Medical Center in Greenville. Hunter confirmed he later died at the hospital.

ht/ menderman


18 Comments on What if we had an all-black police force and black people were still shot?

  1. We were just talking about this yesterday morning. What if there were, like, cities where only black people lived and they could have all-black government and all-black police and all-black schools and restaurants and shopping malls and parks and stuff.Then everything would be fine, right?

    (well, maybe THIS time…)

    BEFORE we segregate the Police,
    Let’s ENFORCE Obama’s “Federal Community Planning Concept” and segregate the country’s neighborhoods/cities by RACE.

    THEN, let’s see how things pan out.

    Alternatively,let’s just have TWO COUNTRIES.

    I dunno…I just sorta kinda have a sneaking suspicion that…

    …uh oh…what’s that knock on the do………….

  3. I am visiting my parents in Greenville and this happened not 5 mins after I past the place. If I am not mistaken this officer was having breakfast Friday where I was eating and I chatted with him briefly. .. he seemed like a nice guy. Don’t let this sway tou from coming to Greenville it is a very nice city.

  4. no no no they need to be INTEGRATED that way it’s fair. For some reason.

    Segregation is racist. Somehow. (even though it is human nature and races tend to segregate themselves and seem happy to do so)

    The black people just don’t get the same opportunities unless they are mixed with white people, apparently.

    Never understood how that isn’t racist. If they aren’t fine without whitey isn’t that saying they aren’t as good as whitey?

    I would love to see what would happen with a 100% black city. 100%. No whites, mexicans or asians allowed, period. Sincerely.

  5. if a black activist would resist the concept of having a 100% black run and black populated city they are hypocrites and liars.

    Being a black activist is, to me, making the statement that you don’t want to be equal, don’t want to be integrated, that you are tired of being with whitey and are fine doing things completely on your own.

    Go for it. Go run yo damn city youssef. On yo own.

  6. to get a feel for how it would go, head over to Memphis and find a white local who has been there since before the blacks took over running the city. Ask him how it’s gone.

    The blacks literally tore down and destroyed or left to ruin any historical object, memorial or structure within the city to remove any mark left by whitey.

    The city has completely gone to shit. Germantown is a white suburb, you can stand at the intersection of the border of Germantown and see the stark difference from one side of the street to the other. Memphis used to be a shining jewel, now it’s… not.

    I was there on business. I was told the above explicitly by a local in no uncertain terms.

  7. “The perp grew up with a funny name.”

    That’s what happens when you have a combination of Gooberment run public school system and people that are unwilling/unable to learn, and are proud of it.

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