Transhuman – He’s as much a goat as Bruce Jenner is a woman – IOTW Report

Transhuman – He’s as much a goat as Bruce Jenner is a woman

Funded by a government.

In his quest for a simpler life, one man has transformed himself into a goat.

Why would anyone go to such lengths to be a goat? ‘I suppose it was because it could be fairly difficult, depressive and just stressful being a human being,’ Thwaites told

He’s studied goat behaviour, learned their way of communicating and even attempted to create an artificial goat stomach to allow him to eat grass.

His efforts, funded by the government, culminated in a three day trip to the Swiss Alps, where he lived as a goat, roaming the hills with a herd.

But living as a goat, Thwaites soon found, wasn’t as easy as he’d expected.

The prosthetics were painful, the landscape was tough and Thwaites was constantly battling the cold.

Those challenges, however, were nothing compared to the task of convincing the herd he was one of them.

‘It’s much easier to walk up on my prosthetic front legs. So I ended up quite high on a hill surrounded by goats,’ he recalls.

‘That was possibly a goat faux-pas, because it shows dominance by how high in the herd you are.

‘I looked up and all the other goats were looking at me. Everyone else had stopped chewing and it was in that moment, when I thought, “those horns look quite sharp”.

Read more: 

HT/ Jason Chisel – NewChisel.comTwitter: @JasonChisel

34 Comments on Transhuman – He’s as much a goat as Bruce Jenner is a woman

  1. Geez, Louise, what a retard. He wants to BE a goat, but he’s wearing clothes. Come on, take those off and grow body hair. What? You can’t? You’re cold? I reiterate, What a retard.

  2. I noticed he didn’t do it in the Saudi desert or Iraq or Syria ……. he at least knew better than to tempt the mohamedans. He coulda been the ram-ee (or is it rammette) instead of the ram.

  3. ‘I initially wanted to be an elephant, but it wasn’t going very well,’ said Thwaites. ‘I visited a shaman, and she said “you’re an idiot”. So, I decided to be a goat.’

    Wouldn’t it be a sha-woman? She did call it, though. He is an idiot.

  4. I wonder if he pisses on his beard? You do know that billy goats do that. Now, here’s a true story:

    There’s this particular highway that we travel at least 3 times a week. This guy has a herd of goats on a small lot. In this lot is a fiberglass camper shell. We see the goats standing on top of it and we laugh each time we go by. Then, the camper slowly started to disappear. The freaking goats were eating the camper! There was nothing left of camper, they devoured it in 3 weeks time, every bit of it. I can only imagine how hard was it for them to take a crap. Ugh!

  5. This is a clear cut case of Trans-Animalism. Where a person identifies with animals and bravely seeks out empowerment and camaraderie from those of the species they identify with by attempting to live with them.
    Most die of exposure in their various environs, however relatives have the solace that their relations died doing what they loved.
    There have been successes as well as failures.
    Rabbit Girl did fine until winter
    The Hyena guy was eaten by the Lion Guy who was then eaten by Hyenas who were eaten by lions.
    The Dolphin Lady was rescued from a buoy the very first night
    Monkey Boy will never recover

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