Diall 911 for Bias Incidents – IOTW Report

Diall 911 for Bias Incidents

CampusReform– Students at Santa Clara University are supposed call to report any and all “bias incidents” to 911.

santa clara university 911 for bias

“If the bias incident is in progress or just occurred: ALWAYS CALL 911 IMMEDIATELY,” the university website states.

The university defines a “bias incident” as “a speech, act, or harassing action that targets, threatens, or attacks an individual or group because of their actual or perceived race, color, national origin, ethnicity, religious affiliation, sex, gender identity, disability, or sexual orientation.”

The university website does not provide any examples of “bias incidents” but universities with similar policies included “microaggressive comments” and “writing on a whiteboard” as bias incidents. MORE

14 Comments on Diall 911 for Bias Incidents

  1. If one person dies because a 911 caller was busy with some sort of BS perceived bias call the the school as a whole along with the people that instituted the policy personally. Sue them for everything they can and with luck force the school to cut their staff, scholarships, sports programs pretty well everything and turn it into a third class college. They’re a private college so they have no government protection and screwing them financially may create an object lesson for others. SCU was founded by the Jesuits who must be turning at about 4500 RPM in their graves what with this and the new socialist Pope.

  2. On the other hand, “If you witness an assault or a homicide, please call the Campus Security office at 242-2222; after hours, please leave a voicemail message and it will be handled the following morning in the order it was received.”

  3. A reckless driver who was going about 70 MPH in a 25 zone and barely missed a flock of kids. Non-emergency police told me to call 9-1-1. I reported the incident to 9-1-1 with vehicle description and partial plate number. The operator asked, “Do you want to press charges?” To which I say, “No, I’ve nothing to charge, this person is a threat to the public and I’m reporting it.” and he responded, “There’s nothing we can do unless you want to press charges, goodbye.” But you bet my ass would be hauled away for calling a faggot a faggot.

  4. someone dying because they can’t get thru was the first thought I had. I like your idea to hit them financially to get the message across. I hope it does not take a death to get them to realize that this is shear stupidity.

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