Martha’s Vineyard Vacay Not Scowly Junior’s Cup of Tea – IOTW Report

Martha’s Vineyard Vacay Not Scowly Junior’s Cup of Tea


She’s at that age, you know, where having it all isn’t good enough.

98 Comments on Martha’s Vineyard Vacay Not Scowly Junior’s Cup of Tea

  1. Maybe she has a boy/girl friend and would rather be having sex.
    I remember my parents wanted me to go on summer vacation. But.
    My girl friend lived next door. I did not want to go anywhere

  2. Ignorant. Kid.

    I rest my case. They haven’t snuck out and gotten shit faced like the previous guys daughters. But they were just kids too. I say off limits until they are 18. And I don’t really need to tell anybody here how I really feel about the current residence of The Big White Hut.
    Who knows. They’ve seen both sides of the debate.

  3. That scowl makes me want to ask for MY $21,000,000.00 of tax money that will spent on that sorry spoiled racist ass family’s vacation…..let her get a job and go to Coney Island for one day and maybe MoochJR will smile…..

  4. The “previous guy’s daughters” were 19 and 21 when the media pounced on “beer-gate.” And you never saw them publicly scowling and pouting like the Obama brats. Give Malaria and Sausage time…they’ll get there – and worse. I don’t owe them any respect whatsoever. Their parents are destroying my country.

  5. Fuck YOU you skinny, 9 inch bicep, limp-wristed pussy, Brad.
    Go ahead and defend that dirty whore.

    Her parents are filthy, nasty, hateful jackals hellbent on destroying this country.
    She and her sister are therefore the devil’s spawn, just like The Omen.
    Problem is, you can never find Gregory Peck when you need him…

    As I said, my gloves are off and I sleep with a clear conscience.

  6. Brad, I consider you a fellow patriot and even a friend that I have never met in person.
    I appreciate or back & forth dialog.

    However, I don’t appreciate the “Fuck You”.
    That is ‘shots fired’.
    Keep in mind you said that defending an Obama.

    Detente comrade IOTW Asylum resident?

  7. 9 inch biceps, pussy, that 16 year old whore, that bitch. Interesting, surely you would be in favor of aborting her and her sister when still in the womb right?

  8. That goes for the rest of you Suns a bitches too. Talk this evil about a 16 year old girl. It’s vile. And the boo hoo, don’t abort black babies. There’s a whole shit load of you approaching that hypocritical point.

  9. She can sneak her miserable ass down to the dock and catch a ferry back to Hyannis. She might be able to score some dope there or a ride up to Beantown if supplies are low on the Cape.

  10. Who said she and her sister should be aborted?
    I didn’t say it, that’s for damn sure.

    Btw, Malaria was proudly displaying a racist tshirt in public not too long ago. Some kind of anti American bullshit. So, she’s open for all kinds of scrutiny now. Too bad.

  11. She doesn’t look particularly scowly to me and even if she were so what? I have a teenager. Scowling is one of the favorite things they do. I can’t blame the daughters for the parents they have.

  12. The Daily Mail has pictures of the whole family.
    Adrian Peterson’s thighs look scrawny compared to Moochelles.
    He is in the NFL and ran for well over a thousand yards when he was last allowed to play football after whooping his kid’s ass…

  13. Poor girl does seem to physically favor the she beast. Wonder if she wears size 15 shoes yet? Mooch Hell is so huge, when she goes shopping, she throws the shoes away and wears the boxes. I bet her thighs could squeeze blood out of a concrete block.

  14. B_B!

    I respect your position and though I feel that she is fair game like Fur does, I agree with you and draw the line at calling her foul names like b*tch and c*nt.

    The heated exchange shows how passionate everyone is on issues. I had to laugh because I was permanently blocked and had ALL my comments removed from Twitchy because I refused to change my screen name and avatar even though I used no foul language, they would have stroked out over the dialogue here….

  15. Good point MJA. When my dad was seventeen, he was serving in the Pacific as a Marine in WWII. This so-called child, Malia, is one of the shock troops for one of the most evil movements that has ever defiled the planet, namely, socialism.

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