Time To Trot Out Biden Policy Idiocy Now That He’s Going To Be The Democrat Frontrunner – IOTW Report

Time To Trot Out Biden Policy Idiocy Now That He’s Going To Be The Democrat Frontrunner

26 Comments on Time To Trot Out Biden Policy Idiocy Now That He’s Going To Be The Democrat Frontrunner

  1. The debate video of Biden vs Paul Ryan should be compulsory on all networks across the USA.

    Biden epitomized to a T, an arrogant, condescending, pig eyed sack of shit, dickhead, son-of-a-bitch, prick, cock-sucking, asshole, bastard, fuckstick, moron, fool, piece of shit, idiot, ass-licking, perverted, senile, alzheimer-ridden, dirtbag, slimy, evil, dumbass douchebag.

    That fucker is epic baboon stool!

  2. I always thought Joe was some form of robotic man. There is someone back stage controlling his movements. Sometimes the robot gets the command wrong and does or says the stupidest things. Most likely a low battery.

  3. I don’t want fauxahontas anywhere near the presidency. Someone please tell me I’m wrong, but I fear her more than Hillary.

    She couldn’t be elected on her own, so they get Crazy Joe in there and poof, Poor Joe has an accident. She is a true socialist and not as crazy as Col. Sanders, I mean, Bernie Sanders.

    I fear her more than I fear Obama – and that’s saying something.

    Again, please help me – I want to be wrong so I can enjoy the sideshow.

  4. Here we have on display for your consideration an imbecile VP, who loves to drink, give dull parties, cheap presents, gives nothing to charity, can’t count past three, tells off-color 7-11 dwarf jokes and enjoys playing mumbley-peg with dim-witted quadrupeds. This jackass enjoys the same general regard and esteem as a dead otter, can’t be trusted with a burnt-out match and his age, on his last birthday, shot past his IQ! When this Number One Observatory Circle Jerk shows up at any event he comes across like an assistant manager of a used car lot or some bizarre mutant mix of the Winnebago man and Karl Childers!
    “Mmmmmm Mmmmm – I love them French-Fried pertaters Goddammit!”
    Run Joe, run!
    Entertainment just doesn’t get any better than this!

  5. Nope. Not Bernie, especially when there’s
    waiting in the wings.

    She wouldn’t even have to bump him off, just wait 4 years and “it’s her turn.”


  6. Completely missed in all of this colorful commentary above is the other half of this video, which is Paul Ryan going as soft and flaccid that night as a dude with a boner being suddenly accosted by Hillary, Chelsea, and Janet Reno wearing nothing but crotchless panties and pasties.

    Look at where being a “nice guy” with “manners” has gotten us, folks! Ryan acted the gentleman that fateful night, and you’ve damn near not heard of the man since.

    I said to my wife during that debate, while Biden sat there laughing and leering at him with his Joker’s grin, “if Ryan had a testicle in his bag, he’d slam his hands on the desk and ask Biden what’s so fucking funny, Joe? The dead soldiers or diplomat in Benghazi? The IRS police State tactics? the dead economy, or the rioting in the cities, or the crippling debt? Take your pick, asshole…there’s nothing funny going on here!”

    Maybe that has something to do with my robust support of Mr. Trump.

    I’m a tough guy to push, but I know. LEADER when I see one. And I’ll follow a real fucking man into HELL!!!

  7. I couldn’t agree more, Chief!
    Ryan was Mr. Nice guy and I was screaming at him the whole time I was watching.
    What a pussy, letting that old fool act that way towards him.
    He should have verbally bitch-slapped that smug grin off the jokers face.

    I think I was online with iowntheworld and Fur had a thread for the debate.
    I would love to see what was written during that debate.

  8. VP Biden. “Iran is totally isolated.today.”

    Trump. That’s an outright lie. You are lying to the American people on national Television. You are the one who is isolated.
    The President and Valerie Jarrett are keeping you out of the box.

  9. Here’s my take on it.

    bernie’s a loose cannon, a true socialist. A true believer. Nuttier than a fruitcake. Not properly bought and paid for.

    If he were elected there would no longer be a corporatocracy, government by corporations for corporations.

    Can’t let that happen, now, can we?

  10. A Biden/Warren ticket would be formidable.

    It would suit both the DNC and the RNC; as well as the media, Soros, Wall St., and Chamber of Commerce.

    The LoFos think Biden’s a genius and Warren’s on their “side,” fighting for the “little guy.”

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