Progressivism Nutshelled – IOTW Report

Progressivism Nutshelled


31 Comments on Progressivism Nutshelled

  1. I am pretty sure he just works in the factory that manufactures them, at a salary of probably 80 cents a day. I’m certain he has no clue what it says. I bet he also carries the rainbow colored one that says “I like c©ck” too…

  2. I have never seen accordion capri rolled-cuff jeans ever before, but I bet all the kids will be wearing them now. The schools will then have to tell the kids to keep the top of their pants up and the bottom of their pants down. Fascists.

  3. Beta male regressive in his capri pants. How quaint! I’d like him to walk through neighborhoods in Detroit or Baltimore and see how long it takes before a couple of #ThugsLIvesMatter put a major beat down on him.

  4. In the era of Political Correct names. Special is just another name for what the PC crowd calls “differently abled”. To use another idiotic ‘special’ term.

    People who know how to communicate accurately would say handicapped, or disabled.

    I have no problem helping, that is giving, the handicapped what they need that is reasonable to make life more livable.

    Not so much for the mentally “differently abled” who think they are “special”.

    For some reason reading this story made me hear the voice of “the church lady” .

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