I would think black pride would begin the day that none of the above was true.

UPDATE: I just can’t imagine Thomas Sowell celebrating “black pride.”

I can’t imagine Walter Williams being so shallow. Conservative black people, I’ve observed, take pride in being Americans, not African-Americans – the left’s play thing.

21 Comments on BLACK PRIDE?

  1. Black Lives matter unless you are riding on a Napa Valley Wine train and acting nigerly and annoying white liberals. Then they have you “aborted” at the next station.

    Blacks are the liberals zoo animals. They like them restricted to the ghetto zoo neighborhoods. They get to play Zoo Keeper and take care of them for a little while. They get entertained and amused by them. Then they go to sleep feeling fulfilled, alleviated some of their guilt, and proud that they take care of the zoo animals.

  2. 2 + 2 does equal fo’

    In reality the black culture thinks the less they do for themselves, the richer they appear.

    I don’t know all that shit, I just keeping it real.

    Yeah, real DUMB!

  3. The evidence is clear they do not seek the desire to be equal. When speaking on standards, they clearly lack ambition to even attempt to be equal. They deserve an island, or a state, or a province, country, or continent, Pluto if they want that too. Whatever it is, chain them in and let them all be equal for once and for all.

  4. I heard a theory that the reason our Betters, The Establishment (and this is some years ago) decided to go all flaccid on enforcing the southern border, and simultaneously soften the ground for Mexicans and Central American wetbacks to land here (can you say “press 1 for English, 2 for Spanish”), was they determined that the native born black population would NEVER become reliable low cost workers. On that front, they may have had a point. Certainly, their experimenting with black lives has guaranteed now that black lives matter a little less than they could have.

    Perhaps the American black had already picked too much cotton and tobacco, and they weren’t too keen to move onto lettuce? So Mexicans it is then. Plus, Mexicans on the run…they work extra cheap.

    At any rate, anybody else hear this?

    Either way, explain something to me. Just how the hell did we come to decide that borders and culture and assimilation and national purpose/cohesion, the very things that make any country a country, let alone a GREAT country, were trivial things that we could dick around with?

    Because SOMEBODY decided, a long time ago, that this was happening, and the rest of us were merely but happy tadpoles then, swimming in our lukewarm pots. Now we’re old stewed frogs, wondering WTF happened.

  5. The short answer to your question: Agenda 21

    It is the road map to global governance, supported by smarty-pants liberals such as George Soros. The end game has all countries living in harmony as “equals,” while the political elite live above the rest of us.

    For all countries to be “equal,” we must understand that no one country is better than another, no culture, no way of life, no religion is better than another. And we certainly can’t have the US standard of living higher than that of other countries, because FAIRNESS! So the invasion at the southern border is only a small part of a multi-point effort to take us down a notch…or 10.

  6. Add, the 1st gens ( any people who’ve moved to America) have always provided the best work results, progressively losing ethics with each passing generation as they don’t have to work as hard.

    Applied, this would mean that the children and grand children of today’s illegals would gradually become more slack.

  7. Correct. It’s why America is to no longer hold an exclusive, exceptional status. Why do you think there has been an intentional destruction of family, national identity, gender?
    And that is why Christianity is a threat, for it works against the one-world conspirators.

  8. Check me up. I think the blacks have been artificially lifted up so that culture can be redefined in terms of the tribe, instead of family.
    Yet, it is the family, that can re-assert original foundations for a healthy society.

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