Insane or Furious? – IOTW Report

Insane or Furious?

I just thought of something yesterday after reading the posts from Dr. Tar: “Call for “Communities” Not To Prosecute Walmart Shoplifters” and Fur’s “Gwen Moore Says Scott Walker is LITERALLY Tightening a Noose Around Black People’s Necks”.

I didn’t used to be a conspiracy theorist, but the last 6-7 years has converted me (kicking and screaming … but still converted – somewhat). What’s been noodling in my brain is the thought that all this topsy turvey, wholly absurd, mixed up thinking by the left has all been planned to knock us off our collective rockers.
We all know the list of 45 Communist Goals for The USA, which was created and published in ’63, and has almost reached completion. Here are just a few:

15. Capture one or both of the political parties in the U.S.
16. Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions, by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
17. Get control of the schools.
20. Infiltrate the press.
21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV & motion pictures.
25. Break down cultural standards of morality.
26. Present homosexuality, degeneracy and promiscuity as “normal, natural and healthy.”
27. Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with “social” religion.

Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Like I said, they have pretty much accomplished their goals. To go further, they must keep us off balance. One way to do this is to keep us gaslighted, and if not totally gaslighted; to keep us furious and flummoxed as to how they keep coming up with such farcical thoughts.

To be gaslighted, we think that we are crazy to even conceive that they are serious. “Oh, they must be insane to really believe that. Nahhh, they can’t be.” Then we wave our hands and dismiss what they are saying. Or maybe we give in. “Yes, ‘Anchor Baby’ must be racist, so I won’t say it anymore”.

If they can’t gaslight us, then they must keep us furious; slinging spittle as we rage against their infantile thoughts and behaviors. “Yes, that will keep them off balance and unable to mount a real threat to our plans”.

A while back, Fur said something that has stuck with me. He described a windmill and we are standing under the rotating blades. The blade hits us. Then the next blade hits us. Then the next. Unceasing and unrelenting. Over and over. “Guam is going to tip over, the term ‘Black Hole’ is racist, a glob of cells is not a baby, guns cause violence, fair share, lower standards for minorities, capitalism has destroyed countries, the founding fathers were evil rich white men, celebrate homo sex, Bush hates black people, the right is hateful, global warming/save the earth, they come here for love, let them riot, ISIS just need jobs – ad infinitum.

It’s working, isn’t it? We shriek or cry, fight the urge to grab our guns and get the revolution started, write caustic comments, letters and tweets, fight with our friends and family because they won’t ‘wake up’, run around in circles with our hair on fire because we just can’t think of what to do to make this stop or get a shovel and dig a hole to stay hidden until the world becomes sane again.

This is exactly what they planned. Conspiracy theory alert: I mean it when I said this was planned. Someone somewhere has, or is, writing a list of the most irrational and nonsensical ideas to throw out for the next lull. When the next crisis isn’t due for a few days and they need a distraction now, out comes the list and they pick the next fool to grab the headlines.

We are lab rats becoming desensitized to idiocy. And they have popped their popcorn and are sitting back watching the show.

But they have an Achilles’ heel. Something is happening. Slowly we have stopped reacting like they expect. We are changing the narrative by not letting them define the words. We are calling them on their lunacy. “No, we will not stop using the term Anchor Baby. No, we will not obey your decree that we not pray. No, you lied and now we have proof. No, you WILL defund the baby killing machine. No, we will not accept that candidate. No. NO. NO!”

Have we found our true power? Have we rediscovered that “We the People” are in charge? Can we wrest the power back from the establishment?

Pray that we will.

33 Comments on Insane or Furious?

  1. We could recover a lot more quickly if we, true conservatives, had control of some of the media outlets: news, movies, internet social media, etc.
    Trump could do something to help us there, if he really means what he says. Maybe a facebook replacement where we can ban libtards, for starts. (my vote still goes to Cruz)

  2. I lived in Hank Johnson’s district for a number of years (no, I didn’t move there, was a victim of redistricting) and that dude replaced Cynthia McKinney. Remember her? The people in GA district 4 are 75% black and they just follow the voices and vote for whomever the dims put in there to run.

    Funny thing, I never had a problem with anyone before the 15 years I lived in the Atlanta area I was accused of racism at work four times at the same location. I was vindicated each time because I did nothing wrong.

    It was no joke. My cats are smarter.

  3. There’s been a global Communist plot from day one. There is an undeniable and overt global Islamic plot. The power of accurate observation is commonly called cynicism by those who don’t have it. Which of these have we not observed?

    There is no truth, only competing agendas.

    All Western (and especially American) claims to moral superiority over Communism/Fascism/Islam are vitiated by the West’s history of racism and colonialism.

    There are no objective standards by which we may judge one culture to be better than another. Anyone who claims that there are such standards is an evil oppressor.

    The prosperity of the West is built on ruthless exploitation of the Third World; therefore Westerners actually deserve to be impoverished and miserable.

    Crime is the fault of society, not the individual criminal. Poor criminals are entitled to what they take. Submitting to criminal predation is more virtuous than resisting it.

    The poor are victims. Criminals are victims. And only victims are virtuous. Therefore only the poor and criminals are virtuous. (Rich people can borrow some virtue by identifying with poor people and criminals.)

    For a virtuous person, violence and war are never justified. It is always better to be a victim than to fight, or even to defend oneself. But ‘oppressed’ people are allowed to use violence anyway; they are merely reflecting the evil of their oppressors.

    When confronted with terror, the only moral course for a Westerner is to apologize for past sins, understand the terrorist’s point of view, and make concessions.

    All the above were old were some of the most important of the Soviet Union’s memetic weapons to destroy the United States of America.

  4. There is a term for what is being done here.
    It is “gaslighting”.
    A well documented method of psychological abuse, it is very effective.
    If you take the time to learn what it is, and how it works, you will gain an understanding of just how evil the people doing this are.
    You also will have a better time resisting it and even countering it once you understand how it works.

  5. I noticed the windmill thing way back when something scandalous happened and they announced another 4 scandalous things on their agenda the following week, and when the new shit was being addressed the old shit was being forgotten – then more shit happens and so you go chasing after it knowing how outrageous it is – surely people will sit up and notice this!

    Nope. Just a bigger ladling of 4-5 more outrageous things get dished out the following week.

    Pretty soon outrageous becomes the norm: “What about Fast & Furious? That was so last year!” “Benghazi? We’re too busy auditing conservatives to care about that!” “What? You don’t like us auditing conservatives? Who says we are?” “No really, who are they? We still have some auditors ready to go.” “Why pick on Hillary’s criminal activity? She’s only one of 842 things we’ve pulled on you in the last 7 years!” “Why start expecting us to be honest and loving America now?” “Look over there while I grab your bank account for some made-up reason!”

    And the beat goes on.





  6. Here’s why I think blacks have sympathy from whites with statements like that for so long: most Americans have only fleeting encounters with blacks – if at all. Individually blacks are as nice or as mean as anyone else. The problem comes when they are in the majority and there it’s another matter.

    If you’ve ever lived in a majority black neighborhood, been in a class where you’re the only white face, worked for a company as Reiuxcat did in Atlanta where most employees are black (Atlanta – with the largest black middle class – mostly because they work for the government – and the city has become a hell hole for whites ) or taught an all black class, sympathy soon dissipates.

    The overt racism against white people, the disregard of any sort of etiquette and the downright laziness of a large portion of the black population shows you that stereotypes persist throughout the years and throughout the world for a reason. They’re 90% predictive.

    Call me a racist. See if I care. I’m white.

  7. Bigotry, prejudice & bias are all the same unreasoning or unreasoned hatreds.

    What do we name the generations of observing & suffering from the same continuous, repetitive high crimes & misdemeanor criminal actions by a specific race of people? From unending threats & accusations from that same specific race of people?

    “Racism” is a learned, informed & reasoned survival strategy for anyone that’s been paying attention during their lives.

  8. Excellent points, Claudia. A lot of truth in your “rant.” I pray that more and more Americans are waking up to what has been happening. I only hope it is not too late.

  9. I’ll just keep it simple – the democRat party is the Sanctuary City of Insanity!

    Meanwhile if anyone’s wondering where Hank Johnson’s is, he can be found in the hull of Guam patching up the leaks with a large tube of Black Caucus to keep it from capsizing…

  10. When common core was just a wet dream, the Federal Dept of Ed explained that the end goal of the program was to install a military style dictator as superintendent in each community. Our small community is a pilot district. The first thing despots and dictators do is quell dissent. Our local papers refuse to print anything “negative” about our school district. The sad part is all we expect them to print is the truth, but as John Swinton so aptly explained journalists are simply intellectual prostitutes. Oh, our superintendent flew to Colorado this past Spring to accept an award for what? Who knows, looks like #17. So, out here in flyover country add #20. If journalists are intellectual prostitutes what does that make a school supt. that participates? A john or a pimp?

  11. When you have a president who is calling people who sensibly oppose his Iran deal “crazies”, it becomes quite obvious that we are being gaslit on a massive scale by the unified left. Never doubt your own instincts and logic. They are the insane ones who are in thrall to the institutional decay, devolution and deconstruction that is leftism.

  12. Your view cannot be discounted. I would like to offer some other possibilities: progressive implosion. They had exactly what they wanted, super majorities and every branch of government. This was to be their finest hour. it’s crashing all around them. Yes they are getting victories but it’s not moving people in their direction. They are taking America down and everybody with them. Secondly, this is Satan’s masterplan. Listen to Paul Harvey’s speech from 1965 and tell me that’s what has exactly happened. Dark forces abound, championed by liberalism and ignoring or discounted for too long. The Bible spells it out. The Founders spell it out. As a country, we reject both for more govt, more sports, more, American Idol.

  13. Liberation Theology was pushed by the Catholic Church in the late 50s in Latin America. They wanted to foment revolt against the sitting tyrants and push the Marxists I to power and “elevate the poor”.

    At the same time the homosexual underground was already well established inside the Church. E. Michael Jones has written extensively on the homosexual epidemic within the Church and their insidious collaboration with the left in the USA and the Marxists.

    That is why Pope Benedict became the first Pope in history to “retire”. In his first public statement after becoming Pontiff he asked we pray for him that he be protected from the forces of evil among him.

    They drove him out because unlike Pope John Paul who had the support of Reagan, Benedict had Obama. The commies/statists/ NWO tyrants , whatever you want to call them, are infiltrated into every thread of our institutions.

    The truth is that it may actually come to a very ugly confrontation someday. One that most people dismiss as “crazy talk”.

  14. Great observation, JohnS. The left is also using other tactical maneuvers – misdirection and bombardment of disruptive, corrupt verbal and physical assaults against the right that are overwhelming. As expected, RINOS, progressives and leftist operatives are kowtowing, while conservative are experiencing battle fatigue. Conservatives can’t afford to lose focus. The strategy should be to know our enemy and defuse their lies. The truth still prevails.

  15. I am going to post a YouTube video link of an interview from around 1978-1979 of a man named Yuri Bezmenov. He was a Russian diplomat KGB guy that ultimately ended up in the USA via India, by way of Canada.

    Yuri Bezmenov said back then that Russia was engaged in every single thing mentioned by Claudia in this post above. He says it himself. His story is astounding. He calmly explains that even the CIA and American diplomats would not help him and fellow defectors, that they would rat them out to the Soviets.

    The Soviets knew they could never beat us militarily but they could win the war without ever firing a shot by psychological/propaganda warfare. That was their plan.

  16. Speaking of Paul Harvey, hmn day!e would probably be called a racist today, because of his saying “It is NOT one world”! when reporting a particularly barbaric story from some 3rd world hellhole.
    I have appropriated that saying and use it when it is called for…..which is every da

  17. one of the biggest distractions/form of control, that people have overlooked, was convincing parents/kids to always be way over scheduled, to never be out of debt, everyone has to go to college, and having a lot of stuff is very important.

    upsetting your apple cart prevents you from taking a stand against the constant barrage of never ending windmill thunks to the head.

    who has extra time to be furious – especially with all this debt …

    get off their crazy train

    instead of paying for a gym membership, cancel the lawn service and cut your own grass – make the kids cut it

    spend time with & teach your kids how to do useful things (like cooking), instead of wasting time/resources, on stupid useless crap, that costs way too much & takes them away from you

    added bonus – your kids will develop YOUR ideals/values
    instead of the instructors – who’s working against what you believe

  18. As expected, RINOS, progressives and leftist operatives

    EDIT: Libertarians helping destroy marriage and family

    are kowtowing, while conservative are experiencing battle fatigue.

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