Jeb Bush Wants To Treat You To An Experience You’ll Be Talking About 20 Years From Now – IOTW Report

Jeb Bush Wants To Treat You To An Experience You’ll Be Talking About 20 Years From Now

Jeb is right.

20 years from now I’ll be saying, “remember when that a-hole RINO Jeb Bush offered tickets to the premier of the Stephen Colbert Show with special guests George Clooney and Jeb Bush?”

As if you needed any more proof that Jeb Bush is an establishment jerkwad, completely tone-deaf to the battles that conservatives are engaged in, here’s some more.imgres

Conservatives have long been busy trying to eradicate the likes of Stephen Colbert from their leftist stranglehold on culture and entertainment, and along comes Jeb excitedly cooing about the show’s debut, offering a chance of a lifetime to be at the premier.

Unless tomatoes and rotten eggs come with those tickets, Jeb is part of the problem.

(Psss, Jeb. Colbert wants you on his show because you are who the left wants to run against.)


ht/ jerry manderin


21 Comments on Jeb Bush Wants To Treat You To An Experience You’ll Be Talking About 20 Years From Now

  1. Jeb doesn’t have any problems doing this because he is NOT a conservative.

    I remember reading an actual quote from Jeb that stated he doesn’t need any conservative voters to win. Don’t remember where it was now.

    If the GOPe gets him nominated using their underhanded tactics, I will write in Ted Cruz.

  2. Some days I picture W snickering as he pushes Jeb along the campaign trail. “No really Jeb they just love you out there”.says W

    Maybe that’s what Obama’s doing to Joe. “Run Joe Run! snicker snicker

  3. I never thought Stephen Coal Bert ever to be funny, nor anything else on comedy central for that matter. Jeb going onto his program is even dumber than Nixon when he appeared in a cameo on Laugh In back in the early 70’s. Go away Jeb, we don’t need the friggin left picking the GOPEE’S Presidential candidate again. You wanna see the republican base stay home in droves worse than they did for Mitt Romney and commit political suicide again, go ahead and nominate him but I won’t vote for him ever.

  4. Hey, I’m new here, and this is actually my first post.
    I like what I am reading here, and I especially enjoy the works of whiskeycart, claudia, madjack, and i gotta send a shout to deathbyfarts, who’s name made me laugh out loud.
    i guess i can relate to dbf, but my outward gas release comes in the form of great loud belches, which i often like to do on the lower level of parking garages.
    Annie said it best. I think im gonna like it here!

  5. Except they know how much progs HATE the Bush’s – that’s why they want him for the Republican candidate – they know practically NO ONE would vote for him from either side.

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