Begin Suing Colleges For Stifling Free Speech – IOTW Report

Begin Suing Colleges For Stifling Free Speech

National Review –

Were signs hung at an Old Dominion University off-campus frat house over the weekend saying “Rowdy and fun hope your baby girl is ready for a good time,” “Freshman daughter drop off” and “Go ahead and drop off mom too” a good idea or in good taste? Not even close. Outrage has since prompted the frat’s suspension and an investigation by the frat’s national office – well within the private organization’s rights. But the controversy has also raised important First Amendment questions, as the president of the public university has stated in response that “there is zero tolerance on this campus for sexual assault and sexual harassment. This incident will be reviewed immediately by those on campus empowered to do so. Any student found to have violated the code of conduct will be subject to disciplinary action.” That’s “completely illegal, and immensely disappointing for an institution of higher learning,” argues College Fix editor Greg Piper. “President John Broderick seems to think that this peaceful, off-campus expression directed to ‘baby girls’ and ‘moms’ violates school policy.” Instead, their signs are protected free speech. Instapundit’s Professor Glenn Reynolds is all over this. “My advice to these fraternity guys: (1) Immediately complain to the Department of Education and the Department of Justice that you’re being targeted because of your race and sex, and denied your First Amendment rights. No, nothing will come of this, but that’s not the point. The process is the punishment,” Reynolds writes. “(2) Sue on the same grounds. (3) The real killer: Go to the Virginia Legislature and tell them they should cut Old Dominion’s budget. Come prepared with figures on the number of administrators on campus now, versus 10 and 20 years ago. File freedom of information requests and get the travel expense figures for the folks in the administration. Look over them for suspicious and large expenditures. (You’ll find them!) Make a big stink about those.”

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8 Comments on Begin Suing Colleges For Stifling Free Speech

  1. If this advice from Reynolds is followed up, and more and more people do the same, it will actually show liberals people WON’T put up with their crap.

    Up until now, nearly everyone just rolls over, and THAT’S why they keep doing it.

    How awesome it will be to watch them get schooled.

  2. there’s bound to be an alum of that fraternity who is a lawyer who would be happy to oblige.

    That’s how it’s done, the current undergrads in any frat USUALLY don’t have any money for a lawyer, or mommy and daddy do but don’t want to get involved in such shameful affairs.

    So it falls on frat members who are alums that still keep tabs on stuff like this, as all frat graduates should.

  3. Its shocking that the folks over at National Review are actually advocating fighting back against the PC Nazis by using the lefts own tactics against them. Its really long over due.
    I guess this is better than nothing its just not inspiring.

    Right now this is just them being clever. Its not about fundamentally changing the way they take on the left. If this was the HuffPo that story would be on the top of their page all day. They would be aggressively pushing it and setting up tv interviews and radio callers to talk about it in a concerted effort. They would force it to be a major topic of the daily news cycle. And this story would be followed with many others just like it.

    You can not beat them by merely going head to head with them and proving you are right in say, a lawsuit. It requires too much and the win will be downplayed anyway. Its good but not enough. Thats a good maintenance tactic if you are in control but not a victory blueprint if you are losing.

    The fight should start on the campus grounds before the court room.

  4. I don’t think we should stake the future of our dwindling freedoms on a stacked judiciary filled with liberal activists. We should fight the left on their terms, but with SCOTUS locked and the GOPe determined to give the left everything it wants, what kind of supreme court justice would a president Jeb Bush nominate? Elizabeth Warren?

    The fight right now is for a conservative party for 2016. It may be time for a second party

  5. The diabolical left is organized. Normal Americans are not. Any lawyers/alumni advising these kids should think on their terms. Send these kids to the ACLU. Tape record every inch of the way. Force the ACLU, left wing America haters to sue an ally.

    They are a 501c3 not for profit. They can not discriminate. If they refuse to represent the kids then you sue them. If they fail to provide competent services, you sue them. You use the left’s own lawyers to sue their leftist incubator universities. You save your own lawyers to sue them if they don’t. Bankrupt them. Use their resources to fight our fight against them.

    We must always look for the opportunity to pit them against each other. They destroy each other and we win by default. You don’t prove you are right, you discredit them, insult them, and point out their faults and never even try to justify your position. Just attack theirs. Win by default.

    Fight like gutter animals…. pretend you are a Huma.

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