Obama: Biden is the “Smartest Decision” he’s Made – IOTW Report

Obama: Biden is the “Smartest Decision” he’s Made


Watch White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest say that Obama thinks Biden is the “smartest decision he had ever made in politics.”

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Yes, it was. And it earned Joe his nickname- Prudential. Because Joe was Barack’s life insurance.

18 Comments on Obama: Biden is the “Smartest Decision” he’s Made

  1. One woild think that the smartest decision he’s ever made in politics was to run for President. But I guess that decision was made for him by his puppetmasters. He didn’t make that decision, somebody else made it.

  2. If Joe was the best decision that Obama made, what does that say about:

    – Obamacare
    – Porkulus
    – Trading automatic weapons with international drug cartels en Mexico
    – Russian reset
    – bombing Libya and overthrowing a sovereign government that did not attack America
    – premature evacuation from Iraq
    – trading 5 high level muslim terrorists for 1 muslim deserter
    – all of his illegal Executive Orders

    No wonder Obama is need of a filmmaker to “shape” his presidential legacy.

  3. So picking Joe Biden as VP was a better decision than…

    …signing ObamaTax into law?
    …supporting homosexual marriage?
    …allowing millions of illegal democrats to cross the border?
    …playing golf?

    Says a lot about democrat policies, doesn’t it?

  4. There are only 2 decisions he made that were smart and allowed him to get where he is.

    1. Hide from everybody school transcripts.
    2. Hide from everybody a birth certificate.

    Nothing else required any smarts.

  5. Even a stopped clock is correct twice a day.
    Obola is saying that he agrees that he has done NOTHING right, because regularJoe is the best he can do.

    And the Republicans are impotent against Zero.

  6. He was smart to choose old white men for sex partners.

    That choice got him the nomination (wonder if Lurch was top man),

    and a free ride politically, ever since (Reid, Boehner, etc, etc)

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