Carol Sullivan and Her Radio Caller Are Emblematic of How the Left Turns a Blind Eye To Their Criminal Own – IOTW Report

Carol Sullivan and Her Radio Caller Are Emblematic of How the Left Turns a Blind Eye To Their Criminal Own

This is criminal talk radio. The show openly calls for the death of white people, preferably cops.

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Now a Texas deputy has been executed days later.

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Click pic for extensive coverage ^


25 Comments on Carol Sullivan and Her Radio Caller Are Emblematic of How the Left Turns a Blind Eye To Their Criminal Own

  1. We saw this happening in NYC back in 1969 with the Black Liberation Army–who were “subdued” as I recall with a return of fire from the police and who then faded into history.

    If this crunt wants a race war, then she should be out in front when cops in Houston “return” fire.

  2. Typical gutless thug nigger(but I repeat myself)-shoot him in the back-the worm will turn mofos-while these low lifes were still putting bones through their noses, we were dropping nukes on our enemies. When whites get up to speed, it’s not going to be pretty.

  3. Obola’s been fomenting a race war for years, and now it seems to be coming to fruition. Cops really need to stress “situational awareness” and probably should travel in twos. I try to avoid “feral youts” and “dark complected” people as much as possible, and stay out of cities unless I have a really urgent need (root canal, medical treatment, KFC).

  4. From the Police Poem, “The Final Inspection”:

    “There was silence all around the throne where the saints had often trod.
    As the officer waited quietly for the answer of his God.

    “Step forward now, Officer, you’ve borne your burdens well.
    Come walk a beat on Heaven’s Streets. You’ve done your time in Hell.”

  5. If these racist agitators had half a brain they’d realize they are outnumbered about 7 to 1 and in an all out race war their numbers would be decimated.

    I’d really like to know exactly what they want? You take away the wage earning white man and you’ll have no more free shit. They all say they want respect but dammit that has to be earned. Get a job, speak English, dress properly, take care of your property, act civilized, respect the life of others and then I will respect you.

  6. With our milquetoast, hate-America, socialist politicians, they figure we’ll just keep shoveling money at them so they shut up for a while. If they keep up the incremental approach that the Republicans (Mensheviks) are so fond of, they’ll get the whole store, but have to wait a little longer – if they go “all-in” as the Demonrats (Bolsheviks) desire, they risk waking America up and reaping the whirlwind. They don’t really want anything – other than what they’re already getting – free shit, free food, free lodging, free “higher” education, meaningless jobs, immunity from stupidity, negroes on TV and in movies, free alcohol, and free dope.

    Either way, America is screwed.

  7. George Washington and his Posse of Time Traveling Patriots invaded the Radio station today.
    They allowed the support staff to exit the building with only mild cuffing and boxing of the ears.
    The DJ’s Engineers and Carol Sullivan were not so lucky as they were publicly flogged as the radio station burned to the ground.
    Pinned through the bottom lip of the activist Carol Sullivan was a note from George Washington himself (the signature was verified by independent sources):
    “The next time we come back we’re going after planned parenthood, and the honorable General Patton is going to join us.
    You have been warned”

  8. Keep agitating, bitch.

    We honkeys don’t have time for this kind of racist crap. We are too busy working and taking care of our families. well those of us that still have jobs. (Thanks, barry.)

    When the pushback comes, it won’t be pretty.

    P.S. “Dark complected,” my ass.

  9. I like your Menshevik/Bolshevik description for the two traitorous political parties. I’ll go a step further and liken the dichotomy of the Republican party in the terms of “Cotton /Conscience Whigs”: the Rinos’ are the “Cotton Whigs” and the conservatives are the “Conscience Whigs.” The split ultimately ended the Whigs as a viable political party and created the Republican party.

  10. I have a lot to say about this and want to add some historical context to this as the Black Liberation Army was mentioned above. But not at this moment.

    What is a problem is that this audio clip is not linked to ANY of the stories on any websites. I think DRUDGE has been gotten to. He self polices on every one of these stories, not to go too far. Drudge is a coward in my opinion. I rarely go there any more. Maybe it’s time for an alternative copy cat.

  11. Rhodesia, South Africa, Haiti, Detroit…. Wherever they gain control they run it into the ground.

    Show me a prosperous and safe nation started or run by the negro?

    I rest my case.

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