Wild Bill Is Convinced a Race War is What the Left is Angling For – IOTW Report

Wild Bill Is Convinced a Race War is What the Left is Angling For

Screen Shot 2015-09-02 at 1.15.34 AMvideo ^

ht/ tsunami

24 Comments on Wild Bill Is Convinced a Race War is What the Left is Angling For

  1. If they want a race war, we are ready….It’s comforting to know that blacks consist of 12 percent of the US census. Roughly two percent of them are thugs and angry blacks.

    White US census? 72 PERCENT.
    I like those numbers.

  2. I completely agree that a race war is what the left (Obama & Co.) is trying to bring about. It’s having a tough time getting off the ground tho, because decent white people and decent black people know the truth and don’t want to buy into it.

    If whites and blacks were fighting each other, obamas muzzie brothers could come in and do what they do – and bam, end of America. Notice how the black hate groups are already infiltrated with muzzies and their rhetoric.

    Hopefully we can hang in there until TRUMP/CRUZ 2016!! I bet Obama tries to somehow stay in the WH, too.

  3. Watch out for the trap.

    The purpose of the race war is not the race war.

    It is the final excuse for the feds to step in and and control the population at their whim – by force.

    All the while making up their own propaganda for the lesser informed to buy and support why they have implemented Martial law.

  4. Bring it bitches, along with your secret agenda for Marshall law.
    I’ve been drawing blue helmets on targets for years.
    What they envision is a race war, what will happen will be like an older brother beating the snot out of an unruly brother, and then kicking the hell out of those who put him up to his shenanigans

  5. Ahhh, if you don’t think we’re in a race war now, albeit one sided at the moment, just what is it going to take for you to realize that whites and cops are being warred on by black thugs???

    AAMOF if you take this small percentage of the population, that is black males between 16 and 45 out of crime statistics, murder, robbery and assault stats look like Sweden from the 70s(before they lost their minds and allowed 100s of 1,000s of mostly black moslims to immigrate)

    There’s definitely an unease I sense when I go into Lubbock or Midland now and run into some blacks at the store or where ever. Is it because they’re cool and assume I hate their guts for what is happening or is it because they been bamboozled into indiscriminately hating whites.

    I’ll take the latter with a touch of the former as the cherry on top.

    Either way, it’s going to get a lot worse.

    BTW, there was another cop murder up the road in Albilene yesterday-killed at home by a coordinated attack by multiple parties. Smoke on that one for a bit.

  6. “Wild Bill Is Convinced a Race War is What the Left is Angling For”

    Well whadda waiting for lefties? Bring your body bag and we can fix you right up. You’re like the little kiddies watching the big kid punching the crap out of the little guy and you’re egging the big guy on. You liberals are too big of cowards to even put a bullet in the chamber.

  7. I see a story being shopped around the media today that claims that cop deaths have declined since Obama has been president.

    Yeah right. And 2015 is the warmest year on record. And the US has the highest rate of mass murder in the world (even including the middle East and Africa). Oh and 85% of the population support more gun control. Oops, this just in, 112% think Obama should run for a third term.

  8. Race war? Since when have blacks fought a war without a buncha white guys leading the way and won? Look at the oppression in Africa. 400 years a slave, then given freedom at the cost of 600,000 white lives, only to sit around another 100 years and talk about revoluion til whitey plays nice. Race war? They’re already killing white people everyday. They don’t need a war. Just white suckers to do it for them.

  9. He’s absolutely right, but what the incompetent left will do instead is just bring in chaos and leave it there because they think it will lead to some Utopia when, in fact, chaos just leads to chaos until strong, intelligent, and energetic people bring about some semblance of order again. There is virtually nobody on the left who is strong, intelligent, & energetic at the same time.

  10. I don’t believe that 12% number any more than I believe the 14 million illegal alien invader number. Or the unemployment number. And fully half of the whites will be race traitors.

  11. In this case, the head would people like be Farrakhan, Sharpton, Jackson, Obama, Holder, Wright…………….or any other Democrat / Marxist operatives.

    Fortunately for them, cooler Conservative heads are still prevailing.

  12. I have a feeling that the moth of September 2015 is going to be really life changing for many people…..and not in a good way.

    Keep calm and keep your powder dry.

    Read the Bible and pray – God still answers prayers.

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