Tomb Raiders Suck – IOTW Report

Tomb Raiders Suck

The grave of Tiffany Last had a special butterfly metal sculpture, handmade by her father to mark the 6-year-olds’ resting place.

Tiffany Last Butterflys

That was until somebody decided they liked the sculpture and made off with it.

“When someone takes away something so precious…it just makes me sick someone would do this.”


I can just hear the rationalization now, “She’s dead, she’ll never know it’s missing.”

5 Comments on Tomb Raiders Suck

  1. We have a cemetery on one of our farms and someone stole ALL the headstones. They were the small white marble tablets. Dates from 1790-1830’s. Never understood why anyone would do that.

  2. Tiffany was one tough little girl.

    “She was the first patient ever to receive a four-organ transplant (stomach, pancreas, intestine, and liver) at University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics in Madison.”

    The article mentions that thieves make off with other items left by the bereaved.

    It’s a small story of unkindness in a cruel world, but it says a lot about the heart of the worst among us.

  3. Few things in this world are more dishonorable, disgusting, despicable and immoral than desecrating a grave.

    Finding ourselves in a time of anything goes, twisted, perverted and immoral age, nothing is sacred anymore and respect for the
    living and the dead is a word rarely placed in action.

    Truly a sad commentary of a nation falling from God’s grace.

  4. “Respect!” Ha ha ha ha! That is SO antiquated. And “virtue,” too. I can just imagine some people sitting in their living room slapping each other on the back and congratulating each other in how edgy they are.

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