What’s Europe Going To Do With All These Drains On the System? – IOTW Report

What’s Europe Going To Do With All These Drains On the System?

European leaders cry NO MAS!

(Should’ve been doing that a decade ago. Are you listening America? These good for nothings are not going to bail out our failing Social Security.)2BE4329C00000578-3220341-Biblical_Thousands_of_migrants_emerge_from_the_hold_of_a_ferry_o-a-4_1441259591548 2BEA3FC500000578-3220341-image-a-9_1441259824548

24 Comments on What’s Europe Going To Do With All These Drains On the System?

  1. You may note that is a Greek ferry arriving at a Greek port outside Athens, where all these people are about to be transported to the Northern border of Greece.

    And you can betcherass every one of them paid some Greek cash. The Greeks don’t give two shits what Europe thinks about anything right now, and are more than happy to shove as many refugees up the EU’s ass as they can arrange.

    More on the way.

  2. The media keeps hitting us with tragic pictures of children and families to tug at our heartstrings. But everyone can see the larger picture: these hordes are +90% youngish men. They’re certainly not all Syrians.

    Send them the f*ck back to Syria, Afghanistan, wherever, to FIGHT! (Even if it’s for the lesser of two evils.) These cowards won’t take up arms in their own shitholes, but you can bet your ass they’re going to be aggressive and demanding wherever they alight in Europe!

  3. As a member of the EU, Greece is compelled to provide humanitarian relief, an open-ended sum of money that they really never had. So yes, they are shoving refugees up Europe’s ass, but they are complying with a demand issued long ago.

    Barky has done mucho damage to the US, but Euro has had multiple idiots toiling at destroying the Continent for decades.

    Put a fork in it. War is inevitable. Their tab has our cc number imprinted on it.

  4. If you left food on your porch and it attracted wild animals, would you keep putting food out ?!
    If the politicians refuse to stop, then tie lamb chops around their necks and drop them on the lands of Mo.

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