It’s a real privilege to lose admission to a college because they gave it to a black person who’s not nearly as smart as you – IOTW Report

It’s a real privilege to lose admission to a college because they gave it to a black person who’s not nearly as smart as you

You have to be 230 points better than a black person on your SATs in order to exercise your white privilege.

White progressives treat blacks like special olympians and blacks are cool with it.

LA TIMES– In a windowless classroom at an Arcadia tutoring center, parents crammed into child-sized desks and dug through their pockets and purses for pens as Ann Lee launches a PowerPoint presentation.

Her primer on college admissions begins with the basics: application deadlines, the relative virtues of the SAT versus the ACT and how many Advanced Placement tests to take.

Then she eases into a potentially incendiary topic — one that many counselors like her have learned they cannot avoid.

“Let’s talk about Asians,” she says.

Lee’s next slide shows three columns of numbers from a Princeton University study that tried to measure how race and ethnicity affect admissions by using SAT scores as a benchmark. It uses the term “bonus” to describe how many extra SAT points an applicant’s race is worth. She points to the first column.

African Americans received a “bonus” of 230 points, Lee says.

“Hispanics received a bonus of 185 points.”

The last column draws gasps.

Asian Americans, Lee says, are penalized by 50 points — in other words, they had to do that much better to win admission.

“Do Asians need higher test scores? Is it harder for Asians to get into college? The answer is yes,” Lee says.

Zenme keyi,” one mother hisses in Chinese. How can this be possible?


“{Asians} see academic achievement as a moral virtue, and families organize their lives around their child’s education..”

Yet, they lose their earned seat in a classroom to an inferior candidate. Welcome to progressive idiocracy.

ht/ Twitter: @JasonChisel

21 Comments on It’s a real privilege to lose admission to a college because they gave it to a black person who’s not nearly as smart as you

  1. Back in the 90’s I had to go to the ER. High blood pressure. I get pissed off real
    Easy. So I’m waiting on a doctor and here comes the biggest blackest dude I have ever scene. Yep….he was one of 7 ER physicians. Oh crap.
    Hope you were not given your degree cause your black.
    Of course my BP shot back up again.
    Long story short. I have high BP related to my emotions. If I’m calm so is my BP.

  2. I don’t remember where I got this from, but it hits this topic right on the head.


    Jian Li (a student attempting to get into Princeton in 2006) pointed to a study conducted by two Princeton academics in 2005 which concluded that if you got rid of racial preferences in higher education, the number of whites admitted to schools would remain fairly constant. However, without racial preferences, Asians would take roughly 80 percent of the positions now allotted to Hispanic and black students.

    In other words, there is a quota — though none dare call it that — keeping Asians out of elite schools in numbers disproportionate to their merit. This is the same sort of quota once used to keep Jews out of the Ivy League – not because of their lack of qualifications, but because having too many Jews would change the “feel” of, say, Harvard or Yale. Today, it’s the same thing, only we’ve given that feeling a name: diversity.

  3. Nothing new here. When I tried to go to a state university back in 1975, I was told, “White males do better in the business world without a college education. You’d be wasting your time here.”
    The fact that my declared major was Computer Science, and not business was not a major concern to them as I was physically escorted out of the office. The wouldn’t even let me apply.

  4. I’ve been saying for years and years that ‘diversity’ does not work–UNLESS all people practice the same high moral code every day of their lives. Equality? Pfffttt! Those who kill randomly have no moral standards; those who run companies which are greedy have no moral standards; those who are politicians have no moral standards–therefore none of these are equal to me and others like me.

    Yet, when one person defines her moral standards by refusing to do something against what she believes is a law of God, she is chastised and placed in jail, then vilified for her beliefs by both politicians and the media. She is more my equal than all the others combined.

  5. The sad fact is that most “college bound” students are dummer than a box of rocks when it comes to getting by in the world today. They can’t fix an actual meal involving the stove, don’t know how to clean a toilet or how often to change their bed’s sheets, they mistake their parents for ATM’s and think a college degree will net them instant wealth upon graduation. For many their highest aspiration is to acquire the newest iPhone before their peers.

  6. Dennis Prager talked about a guy who was a computer programmer professor at Princeton. He quit and started a computer company (didn’t say what) but would not hire any college educated employees. Said that they know less about programming because colleges do not teach you any practical applications. He said they teach you enough to go into teaching and research.

  7. And that’s the parent’s fault. Or, possibly the grandparent’s fault because they taught those ideas to the parents who raised this generation of kids that way.

    They protect the kids from the ravages of the real world and tell them “get good grades, get into college and get a good job” and they tell them that over and over again.

    I know because my parents told me the same thing. They raised me that way. It worked for my dad, it’s what he did and he was at the same company for almost 40 years. My mom was white collar but didn’t go to college, she was at the same company for over 40 years.

    It worked for me too, but I got a technical degree that’s actually worth more than the paper it’s printed on. I’m just old enough so the world wasn’t as screwed up when I got out into it.

  8. This is a big reason it sucks to be a black person. Affirmative action will always dog their conscience, except when they can actively suppress it.

    As is typical of liberals, Obozo himself projected his inadequacy when he whined to others “You didn’t build that”. I HAVE built my life, as swipe, YOU’ve done almost nothing legitimately.
    (Just like Bubba, you don’t even start as zero when you feel that you have to live about where you were born)

    If God loves me, he will grant me my wish, to one day piss on obola’s grave.

  9. True story.

    My nephew is biracial and was a recruited basketball player for a big east school.
    My high school daughter wanted to attend same school.
    We received assistance from a gentleman via telephone on her college application and told him about her cousin and her school preference. He said it would be easypeasy!

    When we met him in person to finalize paperwork, he took one look at her and said it would not be a sure thing.

    By the way, she is white and the gentleman was black. Guess he presumed my daughter was black.
    She learned her first lesson that day about racial preference.

    She didn’t get accepted to that school!

  10. Ensign — We had a long-time friend whose Johnny-one-note defense of black, teen pregnancy rates was, “I think they have children so that they will have someone to love them! Probably for the first time in their lives!”

    Now, here’s a white guy in his 60’s, highly educated and completely blind to his own statement of teen narcissism. “Someone” (a baby) to love “them” (the teenager); not even taking a breath to realize how twisted his reasoning was, nor the extremely low expectations he holds.

  11. I was wait listed for two years at ASU’s law school so that my spot could be given to minorities who ALL washed out of law school in the first semester. Finally got in only to have the privilege of graduating in the year 1982, just as the economy went into deep recession. Couldn’t find a job for two years, partly because of mediocre grades and I’m sure because of reverse discrimination as well. And the fact that ten years of my life had just been flushed down the toilet earned me no sympathy from anybody … because white privilege, obviously

    So I went into the army as a private, because I was a few days over the max age for applying as an officer, a rule so strictly enforced that it was routinely waived …. for everyone except those with white male privilege.

    The I became an Arabic linguist/interrogator and was so good at it that I actually out performed native speakers on language proficiency tests, which counted for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING when it came to promotions …. unless you were some other race; then you could know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about this field and still get promoted. But in the end no harm was done because of our inability to interrogate Arabs, right?

    And I could go on and on about this, but then I would be an “angry white male” wouldn’t I? So I guess I’d better shut up now, huh?

  12. I have two experiences with this nonsense.

    A black friend in our group apparently failed out of college despite efforts to support her studies and she was taking basic classes. I suspect that she was admitted with sub-par high school academic skills because of her expressed melanin level. I know, just a single example.

    What’s more convincing is sitting on the admissions committee for a health care professional program and having the dean bring up an average candidate for a special review and reconsideration. It went on until we were brow beat into accepted an okay student for no apparent reason. I am convinced it was a minority student that was being granted special acceptance to fill an unstated quota. So how got screwed? Someone who did everything right and was at least as good as this candidate, but institutional reverse racism smashed into them. Two wrongs do not make a right.

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