Coptic Christian Star Student is Given a ZERO on Final Exams – IOTW Report

Coptic Christian Star Student is Given a ZERO on Final Exams

The girl and her family are dumbstruck. There is no way on Earth one of the best students in all of Egypt would score a ZERO. But this is what the corrupt school administrators maintain is the truth of the matter. (It’s common practice for families to bribe officials and have tests swapped.) They even conducted handwriting analysis and concluded it was the girl’s paper.


Meanwhile, she subjected herself to independent handwriting analysis, free from these audacious and corrupt a-holes, and the experts said the writing was not hers.

What irks me most is this ease in sticking to their guns in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. It’s idiotic and sickening, and if you complain, some horrible accident will befall you or a close member of your family.

And Obama trusts Arabs to police their own nuclear program.


7 Comments on Coptic Christian Star Student is Given a ZERO on Final Exams

  1. Don’t students have to write their names (in ink) on their tests over there, like they do here? Seems like it would be difficult to hide the evidence of any tampering if that were the case.

  2. When nepotism and tribalism counts for a whole lot more than merit you get situations like this.

    Democrats are about defining tribes and getting people to vote for them in order to advance the members of that tribe, whether they’ve earned it or not.

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