Is This What Happens When Everyone Gets a Trophy? Players Assault Ref – IOTW Report

Is This What Happens When Everyone Gets a Trophy? Players Assault Ref

Two high school football players didn’t like that some of their teammates were ejected from a game and that their opponent was running the clock  out on them. ref cheap shot

 So they decided to take it out on the ref. 

 Seems they never learned how to take a beating. 


 The official is reportedly going to press charges against the two players.


15 Comments on Is This What Happens When Everyone Gets a Trophy? Players Assault Ref

  1. We have two eight year old boys, I showed them this video and told them if they EVER do something like that their football careers are over and they won’t be able to sit for a week.

    There is no reason for this, none.

  2. Definitely assault and they might as well go for deadly weapon with those helmets. I served on a Texas jury that gave a life sentence to a punk teen gang member who decided to stomp an adult male who, “didn’t show him respect.” The fact that the two of them obviously planned the assault isn’t going to sit well with the jury. You do not pull this crap in Texas and just get your hand slapped.

  3. I remember when it was a big deal just to swear on a football field, which resulted in an ejection. To swear at an official would result in a suspension of more than a game, at least. These punks should never play high school football, again. And I’m glad to see the ref is going to press charges. It sure seems like American society is degenerating at an ever-accelerating pace.

  4. The students involved have not been identified or their race given. So we all need to hold off on making a link there.

    By the looks from the footage of the incident, I think we will be revisiting this story once the two are charged and their information is released, assuming they go to adult court.

    The first blind sider certainly looked black, so we’ll see when more details come out.

  5. I had to chuckle at this one. My middle son is 6’4″ and weighs about 210. He is a ref for midget & jv football. Only doing it for about 2 years but I showed him this and he laughed. He said they are told to call the police and not to retaliate. In this case?! He just grinned!

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