Volokh on Kim Davis – IOTW Report

Volokh on Kim Davis

Turns out Kentucky County Clerk, Kim Davis, may have very good grounds for not issuing wedding licenses to gay couples and the state may have to accommodate her.

 Kim Davis

 Unlike what has been reported far and wide in the media, Ms. Davis isn’t objecting to gays getting marriage license, what violates her religious liberties is having to put her name on those licenses.


This article has plenty more to say about an employer’s responsibility to accommodate an employee’s religious beliefs that is relevant in many more situations (especially demands by members of some religious groups.)



It all comes down to what an employer argues is an undue burden to accommodate a person’s religious beliefs in the workplace and whether the courts agree.


14 Comments on Volokh on Kim Davis

  1. Of course the magic words are that a judge has to agree.

    And in this country, a judge will agree to just about anything that goes along with the atheist libtard agenda. But will go along with almost nothing that might make them look bad to the left.

    That’s the country we live in now. It sucks. And the reason that trump is ahead, imo, is that the backstabbing shart that call them selves republicans in washington dc let them get away with it. It is all their fault. Unless you wanna go further and implicate the people who vote for boehner and mcconnel and mccain and graham etc.

    So called laws we have are not laws, because laws are universal. When they only apply to one side, which is us, and not to democrats, then they are not laws, because a law is universal.

    The so called laws in this country are only made to put republicans in jail. And I don’t know what you call them, but they are not laws.

    Not only sancuary cities, not only pot legal states when pot is against federal law.
    But also gavin homo newsome marrying people in san francisco, the attorney general in ky saying he wouldn’t enforce laws against homo marriage, and eric holder telling attorneys to not enforce those laws either. But none of them are in jail Only one lone person who takes the rightward view of homo marriage is in jail

    Again, it’s not a law, because laws are something that are universal. It’s just ‘put a righty right in jail’. That’s all that any of the so called laws on our books are.

  2. Can you see the ( 5-10 year) progressive future? Gays standing with picket signs while hetero-marriages taking place. Yeah. You see it too. Seems lust and pc goes hand in hand.

  3. Fox News goes all pro-homosexual calling Kim and her lawyer ridiculous. MLK Jr “One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws.”

  4. Jailing Kim Davis serves a narrative for the left; that ALL Christians hate gays and won’t let them “express” their “same love” through marriage.

    The Kim Davis decent is drowned out in the need to vilify all Christians for not condoning homosexuality.

    It is going to continue as long as it serves to peel away voters for the left. Once it no longer resonated enough to sway lofo voters all this noise will disappear faster than the homeless.

  5. Why do the fucking perverts need a “license” to play pretend?

    Regardless of what the politically-appointed shysters on the SCROTUS contend, homosexuals CANNOT marry.

    AND there is NO “right to marry” by ANYONE, in the Constitution of the United States of America. Maybe they were reading the “Fag Handbook” or something?

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