Jim Hoft Asks Some Very Pointed Questions About the GOP Leadership – IOTW Report

Jim Hoft Asks Some Very Pointed Questions About the GOP Leadership

Hoft asks where the GOP ads were over the years during Left-wing dismal failures.

Where were the ads about the failure of Detroit, which was under democrat control for decades?

Where are the ads linking the thousands of refugees flooding Europe to Obama’s disastrous policies against Islamic terrorism?

These slam dunk opportunities tells a savvy observer that the GOP is under the control of people who do not desire to draw stark contrasts between the parties.

A savvy observer might say that the two parties have the same end game in mind.

A savvy observer should be furious.

ht. rob e.

7 Comments on Jim Hoft Asks Some Very Pointed Questions About the GOP Leadership

  1. That is why Trump is being held above the RINO’s. Not because he’s great or anything he’s just not one of them. And he says things a lot of Americans would like to say to the countless & useless politicians we voted for and feel ripped off by.

  2. The parties are two sides of the same crooked coin – nice to see Donald shaking things up. We’re all hoping that he’s the real deal, and can deliver on his promises. If not, we’re that much closer to revolution. Nobody wants things to get to that level of desperation, but something’s got to give.

  3. Sundance has a HUUUUUUGE list of charges against the GOP:

    • Did the GOP secure the border with control of the White House and Congress? NO.
    • Did the GOP balance the budget with control of the White House and Congress? NO.
    • Who gave us the TSA? The GOP
    • Who gave us the Patriot Act? The GOP
    • Who expanded Medicare to include prescription drug coverage? The GOP
    • Who created the precursor of “Common Core” in “Race To the Top”? The GOP
    • Who played the race card in Mississippi to re-elect Thad Cochran? The GOP
    • Who paid Democrats to vote in the Mississippi primary? The GOP
    • Who refused to support Ken Cuccinnelli in Virginia? The GOP
    • Who supported Charlie Crist? The GOP
    • Who supported Arlen Spector? The GOP
    • Who supported Bob Bennett? The GOP
    • Who worked against Marco Rubio? The GOP
    • Who worked against Rand Paul? The GOP
    • Who worked against Ted Cruz? The GOP
    • Who worked against Mike Lee? The GOP
    • Who worked against Jim DeMint? The GOP
    • Who worked against Ronald Reagan? The GOP
    • Who said “I think we are going to crush [the Tea Party] everywhere.”? The GOP (McConnell)

    I posted the link to the full article at the Bullpen:

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