Police Hate Obama Right Back – IOTW Report

Police Hate Obama Right Back

Obama is ignoring the sudden epidemic of police shootings taking place the last few weeks, so the police avoided his Labor Day breakfast in Boston.

War on Police

The executive director of the New England Police Benevolent Association, Jerry Flynn, does not mince words on his organizations opinion of the Commander-in-Chief.

“This is a horror show, this is an epidemic of lawless people trying to kill police officers for no apparent reasons.”


He’s no fan of Attorney General Loretta Lynch either.

22 Comments on Police Hate Obama Right Back

  1. This just might save us in the end. When Obama leashes his goons for real – all out civil war – the police will be on our side. He has tried so hard to militarize the police, federalize them, replace them – in fact, he has tried to do to the police what he has done to the military. It hasn’t worked, so he is trying to eliminate them.

    Actually, I don’t know what I’m talking about. I just want some good news. I want this nightmare to be over. I want the leaders of this “kill America” movement in jail.

    But for now, I stand with the police in saying, “Fuck you, Obama.”

  2. Years ago, while Deer Hunting in My(then)Home State of Illinois, The Conservation Dept. handed out buttons that said

    “I shot a Doe, so the herd won’t grow”

    We need some buttons and T-shirts that say

    “I shot a Pol, so the herd won’t grow”

    We could put that crunt from Arizona’s pic on the front.

  3. Although my brother-in-law didn’t “hate” the Rainbow House resident, nor anyone else, he couldn’t much stand him, and what he has done to our country.

    My brother-in-law died of natural causes the other day, on my birthday. He was a two tour duty Nam vet and a retired LEO. I’m leaving now for his wake. Prayers for him and all others “like” him, please.

    Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.

  4. Amen to that. NO police or military organization should be allowed to endorse a politician or political cause in any way. When I was in the Army, we were not even allowed to have any type of political bumper stickers on our POVs if there was a base sticker on the vehicle.

  5. i’ll take that one step further and say no government union or organization paid for the tax payers should be able to endorse or fund a politician or political cause. it only leads to what we have now. why do you think they hate the citizens united decision?

  6. Update on my BIL’s wake. He retired about 10 years ago after a heart attack. The police department came in to the wake throughout the evening. Two of the LEOs gave a short eulogy during a prayer service. They were newbies when they rode with BIL and had awesome stories both funny and heartfelt. One of the biggest, toughest LEOs choked up real bad when he spoke of knowing BIL and riding with him.

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