Clever by half – IOTW Report

Clever by half

In an attempt to keep their hard-earned money from leaving their community, some geniuses in Quebec have begun cutting their cash in half, creating what they call “demis (French for half).”



 Some merchants in the area actually accept this now worthless cash (no bank, financial institution or merchant outside of the Gespe’ Peninsula accept it), but they may have difficulty using the paper for anything useful.


 They actually try to argue that defacing their money is a positive, since no one but locals will accept it and since you can’t invest or deposit it you have to try to spend it right away (i.e. find a bigger fool who will accept the valueless money).


18 Comments on Clever by half

  1. So with a pair of scissors, everyone in Quebec just got a 100% raise? Flipping genius is right! I’m headed up to buy a car now. Someone should sent the guy who thought this up to Greece – the Germans would never figure it out.

  2. This used to be a very common practice in DC in the 80s. As college students if we didnt have enough money to ride the bus we used to rip a dollar in half, the fold that half and stick it in the bus slot. Back then the buses only had vertical slots to accommodate coins.

    Yup, I’m guilty as charged.

  3. So, what do the cutters do with the other half? And how do the merchants deposit this to the bank? I can see some of the point they’re trying to make, but this was NOT well thought out.

  4. No, each half only being worth half. A cut 10 would be two fives.

    The only thing changed would be it’s unusable as a half note anywhere else.

    Here you can tape your money back together and it’s still good. I wonder if that’s true there.

  5. I hate to break it to you, but I was a bank teller, too, and there’s no way. Try it if you don’t believe me.

    (BTW, partial (damaged) bills may be redeemed by sending them to the U.S. Treasury Dept., but more than 50% of the bill must be present and identifiable)

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