Unlike the phony baloney Hillary Clinton, this is a “spontaneous” Chipotle Moment – IOTW Report

Unlike the phony baloney Hillary Clinton, this is a “spontaneous” Chipotle Moment

HT/ WiscoDave

Read about it HEREchicago-police-officer

11 Comments on Unlike the phony baloney Hillary Clinton, this is a “spontaneous” Chipotle Moment

  1. Granted there are some dicks that are cops but I believe most of them are good men and women. I have had a lot of interaction with cops over the years and by far, the incidents were positive-even several times when I was arrested.

    Of course there’s a flip side, one time I was tuned up in handcuffs and honestly, I wasn’t mouthing off.

  2. I’m not falling for that. The cop knows good and well how much salt and saturated fat is in Mexican food, and what it does to a brother’s arteries. The black man don’t stand a chance in America – gettin’ killed with kindness is still gettin’ killed.

    signed, The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan

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