It’s AMERICA, stupid – IOTW Report

It’s AMERICA, stupid

The reason Donald Trump is leading is because America is in peril. Republicans know it. Democrats know it. Conservatives know it. Independents know it.

Hope and change was Obama’s campaign slogan, and his change has been a disaster.

More Americans are on food stamps than at any time in our country’s history. More Americans are out of the workforce that any other time in our country’s history. Our debt is higher than it has ever been. Illegal aliens are sneaking into our country by the millions. 20% of them have a criminal record in Mexico. Few come with money or marketable skills. More than 50% of them go on public assistance.

imagesHealthcare has never been more expensive. Most people are in new networks with plans that are inferior to their previous one. Many have lost their coverage altogether. People who are paying attention are bracing for the real impact of Obamacare, the most damaging blows are due to come after Obama is out of office.

Coal, which has reliably provided energy for most Americans, has been supplanted by a mixed bag of unreliable wind, solar and hydro systems. Natural gas is also under attack.

Our military is hamstrung by politically correct rules of engagement that put our soldiers in harm’s way. The military has become a petri dish for social experimentation. Gays and transgenders seem to be the focus of our pentagon, not how to efficiently kill the enemy and blow up things.

Terrorism is spreading its tentacles, Israel’s existence has never been more uncertain, and two world super powers, China and Russia, are engaging in joint military operations. Meanwhile we’ve been scaling back our might and capabilities, while apologizing for ever having been so potent.

More people than ever before are attending colleges that have never been more expensive, most with loans they will never be able to repay (which will be causing another financial meltdown), all for the experience of learning how to become dutiful progressive activists.

Race relations are as bad as any time in modern history. Police officers are being executed in cold blood because black leaders claim that police officers are killing blacks in cold blood. They have roused the rabble.

The non-existent effects of global warming are being used to panic people into accepting a global transfer of wealth.

The coalition of the aggrieved have more political clout now than at any other time in America’s history, successfully convincing institutions of higher learning and progressive city councils that saying “he” or “she” is hurtful and should be replaced with idiotic and arbitrary pronouns.

Faith is under assault, depravity is exalted.

Black is white and white is black, literally, as long as you “identify.”

Hope is lost. The change was bad.

Along comes a “clown.” A powerful, successful clown, who promises to make America great again.

The message resonates because most Americans can feel it in their bones. America is not great.

It’s that simple.

Remember the TEA Party slogan, “Take It Back”?

The implication of that slogan was that we were going to take the political power away from the left and install right-wing representatives to turn the country around. We installed the right-wing. But the country is turning more left. We’ve been betrayed.

The perfect storm has guaranteed a bombastic blowhard clown with only one thing in mind, making America great again, would emerge. And I think people, right, left and independent, are going to give this clown a shot.

Why not?

Am I endorsing Trump?

Not really. I’m endorsing the sentiment “Make America Great Again.” Many laugh at the message, saying that it’s been a lazy, oft-used slogan of the populist. This would be a good point if every other populist candidate that ever adopted this sentiment was following the Obama presidency. They weren’t. We are at our nadir.

America is so damaged, the prospect of healing, rebuilding and resurrection, led by a confident, lifelong opportunist and winner, is appealing across party lines.

This is Trump’s presidency to lose. It’s going to be an interesting year.



24 Comments on It’s AMERICA, stupid

  1. Well said,Fur.
    You can endorse ideas without endorsing the man saying them. And If Trump turns out not to be the nominee of the Rep. Party, the one that is will surely be a better candidate for him being in the mix and turning the conversation in the direction he has.

  2. You bring it home Fur. It’s our turn again. Trump reminds me of the Seventies. Things were still black and white, cut and dry, good and better. The Christian church, on TV and off, tried to warn what was coming as the Eighties began. Those days they spoke of are here now. Trump can’t turn back the hands of time. But he can try to pull the reins in. He’s the one to stop something, anything, dead in its tracks–like illegal immigration. Even blacks like him. Back from a long, isolated missionary stay in South America, a Christian couple remarked how awful things had become, recalling a more peaceful time. And that was almost thirty years ago. This lost generation is collapsing, but we, the Baby Boomers, we are still here to help him lead the way out of this mess. There’s still much to salvage. Just some random thoughts. Do I endorse Trump? I’m I the Friend of the family?

  3. There is a malaise mixed with indignation that, when systematically exposed to daily – sometimes more often – onslaught of idiocy, it causes a type of impotence (the windmill effect).

    We try to react appropriately by making our representatives in government, media or agencies causing or capitulating to more and more insane ideas or policies, actually hear our voices of discontent.

    We tell them, no; we will not accept this. Nothing changes but to have the onslaught worsen and at a quicker pace. We then lash out in anger, frustration, resolve, even resignation, to anyone within reach of our voices.

    Some continue in the vein, never being able to do more than vent and maybe sign a petition or make contact with someone who could possibly make a difference. Some resolve themselves to action when the time is right; waiting for the impetus to begin.

    Some warn, some pray, some scream, some give up, some prepare.

    This is psychological warfare as much as actual war against our way of life. They are softening us up for their final act of taking control; becoming masters of our lives. Complete transformation.

    The American Revolution to free ourselves from the tyranny of British rule was the result the first time; at the birth of our country. This will be the second time when we arouse ourselves to take it back.

    God help us.

  4. The state to which our fine nation has fallen to, as shown by the election of our current political class proves to me that we have finally jumped the shark and are using two movies as “how to manuals” for guiding us to our current “state of being”, the movies “idiocracy” and “being there”.

  5. People are attracted to Trump because, clown or not, he’s the real deal. A guy who believes in American exceptionalism and then goes out and makes $10 billion dollars through his own ingenuity exhibits an extremely consistent philosophy. He’s someone who’s not going to duck important questions, shroud the issue in half-truths, or pile on one alibi after another by way of explaining something. In other words, he’s no Hillary Clinton.

    Got that, progs?

  6. There’s not much to disagree with in your commentary, Fur.

    The problem is, “Make America Great Again” not gonna happen unless we get on our knees and ask God for forgiveness. We keep looking for political solutions to spiritual problems. No politician is going to fix this, especially another prideful one who boasts that he has never asked God for forgiveness or anything else. Though, he may be a test to see if we’ll fall for another prideful leader.

    God has given us over to our own vain delusions and is allowing us to wallow in moral depravity. Much was given to us, more than any other nation on the planet, but we have become fools who came to believe that our greatness was of our own doing. We made idols of our money, our patriotism, our military, our invincibility. Yet we are being felled by a limped wrist fairy, who I personally believe was raised up by God as punishment for our sins.

    We murder babies by the millions, have taken God’s promise (the rainbow) and used it as a symbol of something He finds beyond reprehensible and have the nerve to redefine marriage–God’s first institution. That’s quite a trifecta. Oh wait, we turned our backs on Israel, and God is quite clear on His feelings about that.

    We kicked God out of our homes, schools, government, but nature abhors a vacuum and it has been filled with every kind of filth imaginable. Heck, we even have golden idols in the White House (think I’m kidding, just bing the hindu monkey god that was sanctified in the WH (it was quite an event) cause BO carries one as a lucky charm); openly practice satanism; elevate any religion other than Christianity and are proud of our godlessness.

    Quite frankly, I think our nation has reached a point of no return and divine judgment is filling our land. Our founding fathers weep for the moral and spiritual cesspool our nation has become, the constitutional apostasy and political impotence (cause they told us how to avoid everything that’s happening) and most importantly, our rejection of God.

    God will answer us, though if we seek His face and sincerely ask for forgiveness. He’s waiting on us.

  7. Having said all of that, then why not endorse Trump?
    What’s so bad about that step?
    Is there anyone better, less compromised, or whom has a better chance of winning?
    I see no one else that fits that bill.

    Ben Carson just spent the last 24-hours pissing me off on both the Syrian refugee crisis and by saying that he likely won’t do much or anything about the illegal alien situation.
    He’s as good as we are going to get this election cycle.

  8. He sure does sound like the guy who could get the job done.

    People around where I live used to always wave to one another as they passed on the road. That stopped when 0bama started his 0ccupation of the white house.
    It would damn sure be nice if people could wave and smile again.

    I need a Trump – Cruz bumper sticker.

  9. There’s nothing bad about endorsing Trump except that it is way too early.
    I’ll endorse his ideas, but not him personally, because if he should misstep, and the public sours on him, morons will throw the baby out with the bath water, and then suddenly Trump’s ideas were bad, not just the man.

    I’m comfortable watching Trump’s rise and I’d be glad to see some other candidates slowly take his positions.

  10. My favorite thing about Trump? He is not afraid to “offend” anyone! The sniveling whiners that cry if you use a word they deem offensive are getting tossed out the door for their idiocy and Americans like it!

    Even if he doesn’t go the distance, he is plowing the road for the rest of them!

    Go Trump Go!

  11. Most well said BFH….and very much agree with rhettsgirl as well.

    Was listening to talk radio this morning and Trump was referred to as “Teflon Don” because things that would’ve killed another’s presidential aspirations only seem to make him stronger and that prompted me to burst out “That’s because he throws it right back at them and doesn’t care what they say! He doesn’t accept their narrative for him!”…and then it dawned on me that Trump has a spirit of Breitbart about him in his fearlessness. He’s not drug down by the fight. He relishes the challenge. Is Trump my guy?…as Fur says, it’s too soon and I dunno yet…but he has potential.

  12. If a building has been allowed to decay and fill with trash for 50 years you clear the site with a bulldozer, not a bunch of red hat ladies.

    Trump is the bulldozer needed to clear the lot to “Make America Great Again”.

  13. The problem with expecting Trump to be the one who fixes everything is summed up in Isaiah 9:10

    “The bricks have fallen down,
    but we will rebuild with dressed stone;
    the fig trees have been felled,
    but we will replace them with cedars.”

    This was Israel’s response to an invasion sent as judgement for their wickedness. Rather than repenting, they declared they would rebuild and come back stronger. They incorrectly believed they could fix their own problems.

    Rhett’s point is we’ve tried to let “Men” fix the problem (the word men is in quotes to mean mankind and spineless GOP wimps, not to indicate women would do any better) and they have made it much, much worse.

    We need leaders who are humble and realize their power is not absolute. That they govern by the grace of God and are not gods themselves.

  14. Donald Trump has goals, direction, and yes a major attitude..(see back-bone) While it’s nice to have other candidates to choose from, they all seem to be too mamby-pamby for my taste, with their poor decision making skills, they all seem to be suffering from a severe case of that political correctness bullshit disease that runs rampant in Washington D.C…Trump is outspoken and says what he means, unlike his competition which i feel like most of them suffer because of poor character flaws and are willing to say whatever just to get by, even by repeating the comments and ideas from Trump!.. needless to say.. the others just don’t impress me and they sure haven’t won me over like Trump has.
    The media keeps asking about Trumps immigration plan, how will he do it?.. Answer.. Juan by Juan..

  15. Very well said, BFH.

    One critical observation we all must accept: we’ve been played by the media for over 40 years. They’ve conditioned us by their incessant Marx-lite verbal vomit and we’ve lapped it up. We don’t hear the ‘wins’ or success stories about the reasonable, the conservative, the devout, or the true mainstream American. We only are fed their narrative.

    Don’t continue to let the bastids wear you down. As has been said, pray to The Father to heal this land, and to heal the hearts of stone among us. Cancel the cable. Ignore the narrative while creating your truth.

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