I Absolutely Believe That 48 Million Americans Are “Food Insecure” – IOTW Report

I Absolutely Believe That 48 Million Americans Are “Food Insecure”

We hear a lot of progressive bints run their mouths on and on in speeches about “food insecurity.” When I hear the term my bullsh!t meter spikes, and I know I’m witnessing another attempt at progressive crisis building in order to fleece good people out of their hard-earned money.

Food insecurity sounds like I look in my refrigerator and I’m embarrassed by my choices.

Turns out, THAT IS EXACTLY what it means.


The Agriculture Department announced this morning that 48 million Americans live in “food insecure” households. Soon you’ll hear we’re suffering an epidemic of hunger. While the federal government is already feeding more than 100 million Americans, we’ll be told that it just isn’t enough.

But it isn’t true. “Food insecurity” is a statistic designed to mislead. USDA defines food insecurity as being “uncertain of having, or unable to acquire, enough food to meet the needs of all their members because they had insufficient money or other resources for food.”

USDA noted: “For most food-insecure households, the inadequacies were in the form of reduced quality and variety rather than insufficient quantity.”

The definition of “food insecure” includes anyone who frets about not being able to purchase food at any point. If someone states that they feared running out of food for a single day (but didn’t run out), that is an indicator of being “food insecure” for the entire year — regardless of whether they ever missed a single meal. If someone wants organic kale but can afford only conventional kale, that is another “food insecure” indicator.


32 Comments on I Absolutely Believe That 48 Million Americans Are “Food Insecure”

  1. Total lie.
    Look at all the hefty people.
    There is no such thing as “food insecurity” in the US of A.

    As Yakov Smirnoff said decades ago: “I want to live in a country where the poor people are fat!”

  2. Food insecurity is just another bs govt. progspeak term to make idiots think that because they may be running shoot on food it’s time for the gubmint to buy more food for them because they’re entitled to it.. Bring on the EBT cards baby. And speaking of which I need to go grocery shopping today and I’m not food insecure. If you want to talk about real food insecurity go to some third world hell hole where people are literally starving to death and often because their corrupt govts. takes most of the food given by aid agencies and leaves a pittance for the peasants. Just like typical libtards give them barely enough to get by on and call it good and then praise themselves for being kind to the poor trodden down upon masses.

  3. Michelle tells us that we have an obesity problem, yet her husband’s handing out record amount of food stamps. Only in America will you find first-world problems of this magnitude.

  4. I mentioned this here once before about a friend of mine who has orthorexia. She’s totally off her a$$ with the food she puts in her mouth and not only that, with what you put in your mouth. It’s put a burr in our relationship and we have less and less interaction with each other. She’s even gone so far as to never use the microwave or have a smart meter put on her house. She got rid of her cell phone as well. This is one mental illness that is difficult to cope with, but she doesn’t think anything is wrong with her.

  5. EBT/Food Stamps: eligible parents receive enough food stamps to cover themselves and their kids for 3 meals per day. Then the schools provide breakfast & lunch FREE to those same kids, and the EBT amount to the parent is NOT reduced. So about the only way they can be food insecure is to be Stoopid grocery shoppers.

  6. I’m really a victim, my wife can’t cook so we have a live in chef.
    You just decide what you want and she makes whatever you want.
    Anytime you want. Within reason. I mean she has to sleep sometime.
    I have a dozen types of cookies all ready made in containers.
    Want bar food for lunch. No problem. Want top of the line food. No problem.

  7. Health>>>>Wellness

    Jobs Created>>>>>>Jobs Created or Saved

    Anthropogenic Global Warming>>>>>Climate Change

    Tax>>>>>Investment in America

    War on Terror>>>>>Global Contingency Operation

    Combat>>>>>Kinetic Military Action

    Carbon Dioxide>>>>>Poison Gas

    …and on and on and on…

  8. And let us not forget that cities like Ferguson are now being touted as “food deserts” after the locals burned down the only businesses selling groceries, just like Watts still is.

    Over in Portlandia last year, Trader Joe’s backed out of building a new grocery store because the mostly black neighborhood they wanted to build in complained that the company was “too white”, so their “food desert” complaints, and fund raising, continue.

    Understand that not matter what is done, it will never be enough to placate any liberal or progressive agenda.

  9. America is called capitalist and greedy – but half the population is subsidized
    Half the population are subsidized – but they consider themselves victims
    They believe they are being victimized – but their representatives in Congress run the government
    Representatives in Congress run the government – yet the poor keep getting poorer
    The poor keep getting poorer – but they have things that people in many other countries can only dream about
    They have things that people in other countries can only dream about – yet they want the US to be more like those other countries.

    I try to be cynical but it’s so hard to keep up.

  10. Remember back in 2011 when the gubmint said if you had SEVEN DAYS of food storage that you would be considered a domestic terrorist and worthy of a stay in Gitmo? Which is it?

    The grabbermint is already $20T in the hole and wants to put us further underwater (if that’s possible). That’s all this is about.

  11. Gee Wally, if the Agriculture Department is so concerned that we are “Food Insecure”, maybe they should stop feeding us Bullshit!

    Here we have an administration that will on one hand tell us crap like this and turn around and deliberately import hundreds of thousands more parasites while intentionally ignoring the borders and the law letting in millions of new, additional parasites! Hard to believe there is a problem when there is evidently no end to the free shit they’ll give away!

  12. The key to understanding the liberal, progressive agenda is to understand that their agenda cannot ever be placated.
    It is all about the chaos. Liberal goalposts are like the mirage of a desert oasis. Never attainable… just like Liberal Utopia!

  13. Not only do they have things that people in other countries can only dream about, but sometimes they have things that people who are working can only dream about having because the workers are taxed to subsidize those who do not work.

  14. A local radio show host who was
    black had some African visitors
    asked him to take them to the “poor”
    ghetto areas of Baltimore that they
    had heard about. Afterward, they
    declared they were scandalized by
    all of “the fat people with cell phones”.
    They said: “Poor people in Africa are
    skinny and starve in the street.
    These people aren’t poor”.

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