Trump – “I’ll remove all illegals from America within 2 years, so fast your head will spin” – IOTW Report

Trump – “I’ll remove all illegals from America within 2 years, so fast your head will spin”

Ben Carson says Trump’s plan is impractical.

Really? Why? Because it’ll cost money? Illegals are a drain on society. There is no net gain with them in this country. We’ll save money with them deported.

Others say it’s immoral.

Good. We’re going to be immoral. I can’t wait.

The fence? Trump said he will make Mexico pay for it. Others scoffed. Trump explained how.

He will cut off aid to Mexico and use the money to build the wall.


Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, stressed that he has similar ideas to Mr. Trump’s on immigration. Mr. Cruz particularly applauded Mr. Trump for raising the topic so forcefully.

Cruz, however, supports increasing the number of H1-B visas to foreign workers by 500%, a stance at odds with Trump, who wants U.S. companies to offer jobs to Americans first, and prove those workers are not available, before being able to apply for an H1-B visa for a foreign worker.



30 Comments on Trump – “I’ll remove all illegals from America within 2 years, so fast your head will spin”

  1. Cruz gets lied to by Turtle Boy and is surprised and mad. Really dude? I don’t think there’s a person here, well maybe one, that didn’t see that coming. Cruz lets Huckafuck run him off the county clerk that wouldn’t sign same sex marriage certificates. Really? I wonder how that would have played out if a Trump got there second?

  2. When I turned on the tv this morning, a bunch of libtards were freaking out about Trumps popularity with democrat voters. lol. I think it was Face the Nation or some program like that. I had to turn the channel when that black racist Gwen Ifill bitch from PBS started talking. She’s like the male version of 0bama. *vomit*

    Go Trump! Fix this fucked up country! Make the libtards get a job! De-Mexicanize America!!

  3. Trump’s plan will likely require AT LEAST everyone who resembles a latino to produce papers.

    Everyone who was written down when they came in and is still in the area they were sent will be easy to get.

    Then what? After the 3 people who stayed in the ‘system’ after President Trump takes office, theres still many people to grab.

    How do? Snitches? Voluntary reporting? Something through the welfare system? The IRS?


    It’s gonna be a free-for-all. Every beaner is gonna hafta produce papers, all those papers are gonna hafta be ran through the system on the spot, and all fake doc holders are gonna get put in a cage and then trucked back across the border wall and let out.

    Not necessarily a bad thing, but isn’t it going to resemble Nazi Germany?

    I don’t resemble a beaner but still. Very curious how he’ll do it.

    Holdout lib-dems will be screaming like banshees. ‘they have rights. this is wrong. bla bla bla’

    I guess when you’ve been invaded it will be unpleasant to remedy the situation.

  4. Tim is right. Just listen to these invaders heading to Germany. They’re going their for the Welfare. If Merkel simply announced that no monetary help was awaiting them, they’d turn around and go somewhere else. The same can be said here. What is drawing these people is Obama permitting illegals to belly up to the taxpayer-funded welfare trough. If the spigot were shut off, they wouldn’t come, and many of those who are already here, faced with a dried-up honey pot, won’t want to stay.

  5. The most sensible argument I’ve heard says that, because of “due process,” every single illegal must be provided a hearing and an appeal. It would take perhaps twenty years to process some 12 million illegals.

    I’ll be happy if they just build a damn fence and put armed guards on that sonofabitch 24/7. Once we stop the flood, we can deal with the folks who have already snuck in. Sneaked? Whatever…

  6. Umm…wrong. It’s NOT Nazi Germany.
    And it certainly IS verify.

    Is it Nazi Germany when you have to show ID for this, that and the other?!?

    Puh-lease…you’re over-doing it.

  7. I was just going to say the same thing Czar. Why are we giving our Constitutional Rights to people that ARE NOT CITIZENS? None of those illegals have ever fought or shed blood for this Nation and it’s People. Screw them! If we tried to work and live as illegals in Mexico, we’d be rounded up, put into Prison. Americans are being compassionate by sending illegals BACK to their Countries.

  8. Use E-verify and stop all illegal employment, along with all the free stuff. NO jobs, NO housing, NO food, NO medicine NO education and most of the law breaking, trespassing criminals will walk their happy little asses right back home because it sure beats going to PRISON!!!

  9. The scary part is, that would be a drop in the bucket. If Trump renegotiates our horse shit trade agreements and gets manufacturing back on our soil it would be like Reagan part 2.

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