So, What Will the Mayor of Ath Say When Muslims Request Pork Be Taken Off of Public School Menus? – IOTW Report

So, What Will the Mayor of Ath Say When Muslims Request Pork Be Taken Off of Public School Menus?

I received an email from a friend, and it seemed like an email that might be more wishful thinking than fact. It was a about a European politician taking a stand against Muslims. That was a red flag, right there. Europe is full of spineless a-hole politicians.

A quick look at some myth-busting sites and, sure enough, it was listed as a hoax.

Here’s the viral email-

“Muslims must understand that they have to adapt to Belgium, its customs, its traditions, its way of life, because that’s where they chose to immigrate.

They must understand that they have to integrate and learn to live in Belgium.

They must understand that it is for them to change their lifestyle, not the Belgians who so generously welcomed them.

They must understand that the Athois are neither racist nor xenophobic, they accepted many immigrants before Muslims (whereas the reverse is not true that Muslims do not accept non-Muslim foreigners on their soil).

That no more than other nations, the Belgians are not willing to give up their identity, their culture.

And if Belgium is a land of welcome, it’s not Marc Duvivier that welcomes foreigners, but the Belgian people as a whole.

Finally, they must understand that in Belgium with its Judeo-Christian roots, Christmas trees, churches and religious festivals, religion must remain in the private domain. The municipality of Ath was right to refuse any concessions to Islam and Sharia.

For Muslims that disagree with secularism and do not feel comfortable in Belgium, there are 57 beautiful Muslim countries in the world, most of them under-populated and ready to receive them with open halal arms in accordance with Shariah.

If you left your country for Belgium, and not for other Muslim countries, it is because you have considered that life is better in Belgium than elsewhere.

Ask yourself the question, just once, “Why is it better here in Belgium than where you come from?”

A canteen with pork is part of the answer.


The fake email is not the sad part. It’s that no European mayor would ever say EXACTLY WHAT IS IN THIS FAKE MEMO for fear of being branded a bigot, racist, Islamophobe, etc.

But the memo is absolutely correct in its thinking.

Here’s the real mayor responding:

Duvivier not only denied having made the statement attributed to him, he also denied that any request about removing pork from canteens had ever been presented to him. In his press release, Duvivier explained that “no person of any nationality or ethnic group whatsoever have made such a request to the municipal services, with Mr. Bruno Boel, Municipal Secretary, or myself … this is a lie,” adding that the presence of pork in school canteens had never been an issue.


Fine, you never got a request to remove pork. What will you do if you do get the request?THAT is the issue, not whether the email is fake or not.


9 Comments on So, What Will the Mayor of Ath Say When Muslims Request Pork Be Taken Off of Public School Menus?

  1. What will you do if you do get the request?

    He will decree henceforth all pork should be hidden from sight, can be asked for only when in the presence of non-muslims and served with a dash of disdain for the requester’s eurocentric arrogance.

  2. It is high time the SO CALLED Civilised Western countries realised that most of the So Called Refugees who land on your shores are slightly better that SAVAGE BABARIANs – these “BRAIN DEAD” who cannot think and cannot see – beyond their NOSE, have neither self esteem nor respect.
    They come into your HOUSE (country) and demand that you refurbish the house according to their taste – what utter rubbish!!.
    Stop talking and doing POLITICALLY RIGHT things to your own disadvantage – you give them ”an INCH AND THE NEXT Thing THEY WANT A YARD”.
    Don’t be surprise that soon they will demand that Your WOMEN
    be wrapped up from HEAD to TOE like theirs, not allowed out without a male relative chaperone, not allowed to be employed,
    even drive – worse to be CLEAN ” CLERIC in Germany said the Savages there were provoked by their NICE SMELL and so raped the fraulein,”. BRAINLESS Moron to give stupid excuse – shows
    the mentality of even their “learned person”.
    It is high time YOU took a FIRM STAND to defend your HOME and not bow to mindless demand from BACKWARD SAVAGES
    whom YOU LET IN !!!!!!
    It is indeed HEARTENING to see, that there are at long last, BOLD, SENSIBLE and Responsible WESTERN LEADERS who
    put their FOOT DOWN and tell the SAVAGES to shove off (or better still – like Prince Charles – once said “go sit on your own
    flag pole” if you do not like the SCENARIO of SECULAR COUNTRIES.
    There are better solutions than ACCEPTING REFUGEES, CLOSE your BORDERs. Use the Money YOU spend to feed and house them when they are in your country to BUILD CAMPS on their own BORDER – this will stem the “FLOOD” and put a stop to all these nonsense of HOST COUNTRIES changing to suit them. Those already in – place them in “SUPERVISED CAMPS” – completely restrict their movement, otherwise you will have MORE
    Terror in Your Country.HUMAN RIGHT to potential TERRORISTs – what about the RIGHT of the INNOCENTKILLED by these scums.
    I know I sound like a EXTREM FANATIC but don’t you think the time for POLITICALLY CORRECT TALK and ACTION is OVER !!!
    Unless a firm positive stand is taken – you will have them sitting on your heads.

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