“Genius” Kid and His Circle of Minions Are Morons If They Don’t See What He Did Was Asinine – IOTW Report

“Genius” Kid and His Circle of Minions Are Morons If They Don’t See What He Did Was Asinine

The last thing we need is for people to be giving free passes to Muslims carrying suspicious devices because they fear being ridiculed if wrong.


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CJ has a message for Obama

20 Comments on “Genius” Kid and His Circle of Minions Are Morons If They Don’t See What He Did Was Asinine

  1. You can see in the kid’s ‘clock’ that there is a 9-volt connector. This is used as a backup battery for a typical bedside clock.
    So, he simply gutted a clock and put it in a suitcase.
    Real genius work there Sparky!

    He is smart enough to know what it looked like.
    He was trolling for some heat, and he got it.
    He then acted like Hillary when confronted.
    The school and police did their jobs.

    His father has run for president of Sudan.

    This is a big set-up and our dumbass president fell hook line and sinker.
    Of course he would do anything to defend a fellow muzzie and blast the police…

  2. I hope the school principal has the nads to say, if we are supposed to assume a nerf gun (with obvious plastic parts and an orange barrel) has to be treated as if it is real, then why would we also not assume that a briefcase full of electronics and a clock timer, could also be real.

  3. Exactly! CAIR was on top of this immediately with the media obediently pushing the #ImWithAhmed crap. Next time it will be the real thing. However, I always thought “if you see something say something” was actually to snitch on those gun-toting, bible-clinging conservatives. You know….the REAL terrorists.

  4. I might just help my daughter make a clock but set it in a pressure cooker and have her bring that to school for show and tell. If confronted just simply say “I wanted a free vacation to D.C. to meet the POTUS”.

  5. Islam is an enemy to civilization. THEY ARE OUR ENEMIES. Period. It cannot be repeated often enough. They have stated unequivocally that they intend to annihilate us and have demonstrated time and time again that they have no problems using children to advance their cause.

    The muslim kid bought a device, resembling a bomb which began ticking in class. It was intentional to instill terror. It ain’t funny and shouldn’t be treated lightly. His ass should have been hauled off to jail.

    Just wait until the next “school project” actually goes off and kicks innocent children–cause its gonna happen. See how many Americans are willing to have a conversation about clocks then.

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