Dindu Nuffin Syndrome – IOTW Report

Dindu Nuffin Syndrome

Mother says her son didn’t do anything wrong. “His hand got stuck.” It was an accident.

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23 Comments on Dindu Nuffin Syndrome

  1. “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”
    How come Dr. King isn’t quoted near as much as he once was?

  2. They should not only expel Mr. Dindu Nuffin,
    They should take him out on the field during the next half time and just like on the beginning of Branded; strip him of his colors and kick him off the team and have his number retired
    His face should be made known and he should be banned from organized sports for life.

  3. If they can prove he does drugs, hormone injections, has two babies by different under-age girls and beat up his girl friend he’s well on his way to the NFL. Where no nobody din du nuffin. But please don’t be accused of knowing about deflated footballs.

  4. For most black kids this is the pinnacle of life they will reach. They’ve been coddled, directed, developed and had their ego’s stroked until they feel they can do no wrong and their confidence level is off the charts. Their whole lives have been molded to get to the NFL where the really big fawning can take place along with loads of money and get out of jail free cards. The sad fact is that very few of these kids even make it to college on scholarship let alone the few of the few from college that make it to an NFL tryout camp where most of them are cut. So in order to max their chances they juice. I’d bet money that this kid has been taking steroids and depending how good a player he is it’s been covered up. Geezuz, it’s friggin HIgh School for pete’s sake.
    Anyway, this team took a penalty for what could easily be termed an assault with a weapon and the kid stayed in the game. High School and College should take a page from the soccer rulebook and when a player commits a major penalty he gets kicked out of the game and his team plays a man short for the rest of the game.

  5. What pisses me off is that this asshole gets a pass because he is a “star” athlete. It will be the same in college and (if he makes it) in the pros. Never will be held accountable. I call it “the O.J. Syndrome”.

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