Mickey Rourke Wants To Beat Up Donald Trump – IOTW Report

Mickey Rourke Wants To Beat Up Donald Trump

He likes the “black dude” for president.

Does Mickey even know where he is?

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25 Comments on Mickey Rourke Wants To Beat Up Donald Trump

  1. He can’t like “the doctor” “the black dude” much without even knowing his name. Interesting how the Libs all feel the need to weigh in on candidates who they would never vote for. And the weighing-in on Trump had no substance, ’cause Mickey is apparently stupid. One too many blows taken to the face. That Face! (And Mickey carries a purse.)

  2. yea .. lets have another black president ..
    in fact, lets make every politician black . it’s only
    fair since they represent 12% of the population of the USA.
    all blacks all the time .. that’s what i say ..

  3. I watched his first movie last night, Body Heat-he has a small part as a bomb maker. My-O-My WTF did he do to his handsome visage? He’s gotta crazier then a shithouse rat to have OKed that shit.

  4. I’m sure Mr. Trump is shaking in his boots and I’m sure the person running Trump’s security operation would love to have Mr. Rourke manifest his displeasure by taking a swing at him.

    Go ahead Mickey, make his day.

  5. Oooh, a tough guy. What would he do to Trump?
    Hit him with his purse?

    I wouldn’t have even recognized him, until he opened his yap and the bullshit spewed out.
    Like FU dude, I thought he was somebody who crawled out from under a bridge.

  6. All of the Evangelical preachers who railed against Hollywood in the twentieth Century are now being vindicated at this time. As you see the effects of the lifestyles of these people are destroying them and the TPTB expect us to give them money th continue this? No and now they can leave our country.

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