Jeb’s Photo Op, Not The Best Optics – IOTW Report

Jeb’s Photo Op, Not The Best Optics

Jeb is a bit of a dunce, no?

HT/ Twitchy

32 Comments on Jeb’s Photo Op, Not The Best Optics

  1. Once you become “for Bernie Sanders,” you automatically leave the “Republican” category, as well as the “sentient being” category. Your ultimate destination category is “unflinching moron”.

  2. “Republicans” support individual liberty and freedom, but most of those in DC with a “-R” after their name are actually “Republicucks”. They are standing by and pretending not to notice, while 0bama and the Left fu*ks America senseless.

  3. Going on the Paleo diet while you’re running for president of United States is probably not the best idea Yeb! ever had.

    The man looks like he could use a plate of pasta. He ain’t thinking straight!


    But then again, the sooner he’s gone the better for America!

  4. And last week, Sanders spoke at Liberty University. In the belly of the beast, so to speak. Hillary is still sequestered. Something is going on here, and I am not sure what, but I think Jeb is absolutely clueless. Maybe Trump needs to do a college tour, get in on that action.

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