Nearly 3 Dozen Celebrities Line Up To Bully Donald Trump By Making Fun of His Looks – IOTW Report

Nearly 3 Dozen Celebrities Line Up To Bully Donald Trump By Making Fun of His Looks

I’d just like to say that I have complete impunity to make fun of, bully, shame and generally insult anyone I want because the left shows that it’s okay to do so. Thank you.

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ht/ illustr8r

42 Comments on Nearly 3 Dozen Celebrities Line Up To Bully Donald Trump By Making Fun of His Looks

  1. A bunch of vermin infested deadbeats attempting to make fun of someone else is very ironic. Add the jerkwads together and they equal ugly personified!!!! Perhaps they will now invent another of their interminable and incomprehensible award shows used to pat each other on their expanding asses!

  2. Again, I’ll comment without watching the video,since my tolerance level for all things assholian is perpetually maxed out anymore.

    The world is changing, I believe Trump will be instrumental in fomenting an American Renaissance, and these sniping, spoiled leftist assholes need to prepare themselves for a era similar to the post-Carter fallout.

    May it last twice as long, at least, as the last one.

  3. My guess is that every one of these people thinks the Mooch is one of the prettiest woman on this planet, and likely the prettiest ever that lived on it. If I were the Donald, and I am pretty sure his peeps read the stuff here, I would wear this as a badge of honor! I would also tweet something like this if I were him” Did you see all those people making fun of my hair? They think the FLOTUS is beautiful and smart…I need some of what their smoking”

    (was that 144 characters or less?)

  4. I’m not hopeful it will be a renaissance. I’m just hoping he will stave off our demise long enough that those that once knew liberty will die of natural causes before the total destruction arrives. I would be thankful to no end for that.

    Our country as we once knew it is gone forever. I just feel horrible four our kids.

  5. Ya know, Fur, I remember fun nights in days past where we came up with cutting names for Lefties. Libtards, douchenozzles, Progtards, the list goes on.

    But tonight I humbly submit “Assholians”.

    Because the name not only drives home the essence of tribal assholery on display from the Left, but also captures the sense of disconnection that we feel when forced to endure them, like they hail from a different planet, which most of us clearly feel they do.


    From Planet Assholia.

    The Dark Sister planet to Uranus (Your Anus), perhaps.

    And let’s not forget its dark, smelly, outer ring of ignorance.

  6. Oh Boy, Megyn Kelly sure got he nickers all twisted and tangled. She said tonight on FOX that Scott Walker dropped out of the race and took a swipe at Trump in doing so. I listened to Walker. He took no swipe at Trump? Did I miss something? Or is Kelly just being an asswipe?

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