Care to Swap Bugs? – IOTW Report

Care to Swap Bugs?

It turns out that every person on earth has a unique biological signature contained in the specific combinations of bacteria that inhabits his or her body.


The micro biota that surrounds each individual is so distinct that science can identify people by the bugs they leave behind from their “germ cloud.”

“According to experts, the cloud hangs around a person’s body at all times and each individual cloud has a signature that could be read by carrying out genetic analysis of the bacteria.”


So how does one beat foresic investigation method that relies on analyzing the bacteria that inhabit our bodies?

9 Comments on Care to Swap Bugs?

  1. The article says “some people” can be identified if isolated in a small room after having been recently tested.
    If you have someone captured and sitting in a small room, there are other, well documented successful methods of figuring out who they are.
    Also, if the author used the same terms that the researchers used in describing it, the researchers are anything but scientists.
    This is just another group pretending that they are not welfare recipients by doing pointless work paid for by those of us that actually produce something.

  2. No…please not this…not today…..

    Came home from a hoarder’s house yesterday. This house literally had so much rotting garbage inside it was like a compost lasagna. The clouds of flies…… the fleas…. patient had larvae hatching in her skin.

    My youngest met me at the inside garage door looking for a hug. I shoo’d her away, saying “Mommy’s nasty, please wait”. Stripped down to my birfday suit and threw everything in the wash on Sanitary cycle. Ran up to my bathroom and hopped into the shower. Tried to boil myself.

    If I hug my kids, I want it to be MY germ cloud, not that stuff of nightmares.

    (Oh, and yes, social worker was dispatched immediately)

  3. In a past life, when I lived in France, I once taught English to a French cab driver. I could smell the guy while standing 15 feet from him. We once talked about it. It seems he decided not to wash after (?) his wife left him. Sometimes he would rub his hands with cold water and then when he bent his fingers, the creases on his knuckles were black, while the rest of his hands were grayish. I pitied the people who rode in his cab.

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