Muslims Attacking Non-Muslims in Refugee Camps – IOTW Report

Muslims Attacking Non-Muslims in Refugee Camps

What is it are these refugees running from?

The Germans are starting to be alarmed at the daily brawls breaking out in their crowded refugee shelters across their nation. Adherent Muslims are attacking non-Muslim and fellow members of their own religion for not being observant enough.

German Refugee camps

Muslims in the shelters are reportedly enforcing sharia law within the holding facilities.




18 Comments on Muslims Attacking Non-Muslims in Refugee Camps

  1. I wish there was a way to force the non-warring muzzie countries to accept the muzzie refugees from places that are war torn.
    Syrians could flee south into Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, or any of those well off oil rich states. Let them sort it all out. Leave the Civilized Western world out of it.

  2. Sure there is. Just load all those muzzies (especially the men) into military cargo planes, and fly them over the middle east borders. Land. Open the doors. If the passengers refuse to leave, just take off again – straight up – while opening the rear cargo doors.
    Need I say more?

  3. When he caught me using a Crescent wrench as a hammer, my Old Man used to tell me “Son, always use the right tool for the job.”
    Then he would hand me a bigger wrench. (Just to see if I was paying attention.)
    If I had persisted in using a wrench instead of a hammer, he’d have smacked me upside the head with it.

    For taking care of business in the camps, he might have suggested something like this:

    The older I get, the smarter he gets…

    RIP, Dad.

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