Georgia Curriculum Pushing the 5 Pillars of Islam – IOTW Report

Georgia Curriculum Pushing the 5 Pillars of Islam

This broke last week, but we really should have a local scout to keep on top of this story. A lone man is organizing a Facebook group and we should really help in this effort to push back against this ridiculous inclusion of Islam in a public school curriculum, one that professes to be hyper-aware of the separation of church and state.


HT/ 4aRepublic

13 Comments on Georgia Curriculum Pushing the 5 Pillars of Islam

  1. This is WHY you don’t want “a Baptist group started talking religion in a public school.”

    Or the Ten Commandments on the courthouse lawn.

    Or “In God We Trust” on police cars.

  2. Oh, fuck this, big time.

    If they’re going to have Islam lessons in public schools, then I want The Lord’s Prayer reinstated.

    Where’s Madalyn Murray O’Hair when you really need her?

  3. Has anybody here read “The Seven Pillars of Wisdom” by TE Lawrence?

    I have been looking for my copy for a while now but have not been able to find it. I may have loaned it out.
    It has been years since I last read it; I am interested in re reading for some perspective on current events.
    There are passing references to Lawrence in Graves and Churchill, among other publications.
    He was quite an individual, resurfaced later as Airman Ross, incognito to avoid the public eye.

    I notice “Lawrence of Arabia” is currently available on netflax. Might be worth a look.

  4. “The frightening thing is their unquestioning acceptance of whatever is taught to them by anyone in front of the room. This has nothing to do with rebellion against authority; they rebel, all right, and loudly. But it doesn’t occur to them to think.” — “Up the Down Staircase,” Bel Kaufman, Prentice-Hall, London, 1964, page 69.

  5. I don’t believe our Founders believed in any “separation of church and state.” They didn’t want the same shit happening that caused them to leave England — the lack of religion freedom.

    The death cult of islam does not qualify as a “church” anyway. It is a deadly political ideology that is contrary and hostile to every established religion other than islam; and in some cases it is even hostile against other forms of islam : shia, sunni, sufi.

    We should just have a vote on this and let the people decide if we really need the evil tribe of muhammed the pedophile to operate freely in American schools, or in America for that matter.

    Go back to your islamic shitholes, we do not want you here! – We The People.

  6. Students of history will recall the upheaval in England from the reign of Henry VII thru the Elizabethan, and the Stuart monarchies, to the Restoration and beyond.
    Plenty of blood was spilled in Europe and England throughout the Reformation, the Civil Wars, Jacqueries, the Counter Reformation etc.
    The economic and religious pressure that sent the Pilgrims here from was still fresh enough in the minds of the framers of our Constitution to address the issue, hence the “Establishment” Clause.
    This far-sighted effort by the Framers as been subverted these days, whether by ignorance, apathy, or, what I believe more likely, by design.
    Atheists, socialists, and other morally corrupt ideologues appear to have the upper hand now. Certainly they dominate the discussion.
    While this is disturbing, and does note bode well for the future, the last act has not been played yet.

    There are rough times ahead. And it will get worse before it gets better.
    You can count on it.

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