Did this guy really just ask for the education secretary gig? – IOTW Report

Did this guy really just ask for the education secretary gig?

There’s an EXPLOSIVE new candidate for Education Secretary. Really. This guy’s the BOMB

10 Comments on Did this guy really just ask for the education secretary gig?

  1. I will never have any respect for this terrorist bastard lil billy ayres. He is the ultimate coward and chicken shit. The Weather Underground was a terrorist organization. He was a privileged, rich spoiled brat of the 60’s who was one of the founders of the New Left movement. Nor for his fugly and equally terrorist wife bernadine dohrn. These two should still be in a federal maximum security prison for their terrorist activities back in the late 60’s and early 70’s. And as a Vietnam vet I know I could say far worse things about them but I won’t because there aren’t enough adjectives for me to describe how much I despise him and the rest of his commie ilk.

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